Chapter 3

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As she stared into the eyes of the three men she couldn't help but feel utterly at peace.

They looked at her as if she was the most precious and important thing in the whole world.

For once she was not thinking about death but instead she was thinking about the life she could have, a life that didn't always contain the glimpses of death Ashe always saw in her dreams, instead as she looked at them she saw the life she could have, of course it may be difficult but every love story was and this was just the beginning of hers.

She tilted her head as she looked at the three of them before Marcus gently stroked her cheek gently making her lean into him slowly.

"How do you know I'm your mate, how am I mated to all three of you" she whispered
Marcus looked down at her "my gift is that I can see the bonds between people, you have a silver thread linking you to Dimitri as hes your soul brother but with me and my brothers the thread is a deep gold colour, the colour of true mates" he whispered

She nodded a little as she looked at the three of them. Before she leaned back in the throne she was sat in
"What happens now" she whispered
"Now we take care of them" Caius mumbled before he turned back to the two Cullen's and Bella

She tilted her head as she looked at Alice and Edward before she hummed a little and let her eyes run over the guards in the room, each one felt familiar yet they also felt new, but then as she looked at her three mates she felt safe, safer than she's felt since her parents died.

As she leaned back on the throne she watched as caius sat to her left on his throne and Marcus sat on his to her right, she could feel them watching every now and then but her eyes were solely on Aro as he walked around the room for a second before grabbing Edwards hand.

She watched as horror crossed her mates face making her sit forward slightly "how dare you" he growled loudly as he dropped Edwards hand
"Seems this cullen always knew she was our mate, this boy was going to drain her, turn her and let her go hoping we'd find her and have to kill her" Aro spat making everyone freeze at the pure anger on his face, they had all seen Aro angry before but this was different this was pure animalistic anger.

She slowly stood from the throne and walked down the steps and gently laid her hand on his shoulder and watched as he instantly relaxed
"den prépei na tou epitrapeí kontá sas" Aro growled softly (he should not be allowed near you)
She smiled softly "and he isn't, I do not talk to him nor Alice, when I go to their house I'm mostly with Carlisle" she whispered
Aro turned his head "you know greek" he mumbled
"nai iremó" she whispered (yes I do, calm down)

He sighed softly and nodded as she squeezed his shoulder gently, she leaned down and sat on the steps, he looked down at her "a queen should not sit on the floor"
"I am not a queen and I would much rather sit here so that I can make sure you are okay" she smiled, he smiled a little before he turned back to them and glared at Edward.

She hummed and crossed her legs as she watched Aro talk to both Edward and Alice all but ignoring Bella. Jasper had once said that edward could not hear Bella's thoughts and yet as she sat there she wished that he could, she knew that if they could hear her friends thoughts they'd all know that she wanted immortality above anything else, she knew that, Bella had told her so.

Bella had once been her best friend, the sister in which she never had, but in leaving forks, in leaving Charlie and Rose alone bella had broken any friendship that her and rose had the moment that she had chosen Edward over her human family.

She slowly looked up and watched as Bella started screaming as felix went to rip off edwards head off.

"This is truly pathetic" she mumbled making everyone look at her including Bella
"You could he helping" Bella mumbled

She rolled her eyes "help you kill yourself I don't think so" she mumbled as she crossed her arms "you know what's funny about you Bella" she whispered as she stood up and went to stand next to Aro
"What" Bella whispered as she glared at her
"That your not saving him because you love him" she smirked
"Amore" Aro whispered looking down at her "explain" Caius mumbled

She smiled and looked towards Marcus and held her hand out to him, not even a second later he was stood next to her "you can see bonds right" she whispered
"I can" he smiled
"Look at her and Edward what do you see" she mumbled
"A very very thin red line, the line of a blood singer" he mumbled
"See bells no mate line, your just a pawn to him to pass the time, but you are no angel either, shall we tell Eddie boy about our little conversation we had" she smiled as she leaned into Aro slightly as caius stood behind her with his hand on her back
"Let's me tell everyone your true feelings" she smirked slightly "my dear friend confessed to me that she only wants immortality" she mumbled

All the vampires in the room turned and looked at Bella, their eyes full of disgust
"Is that so princess" Aro mumbled as he moved away from her to look at Alice, Bella and Edward
"I was going to say that she needs turning but I have a better idea, if you, or any of your family turn Bella, there will not be a corner of this earth where I will not find you and kill you" he smirked "now get out of my sight, you are not permitted to leave until I say so, Jane, Alec take them to some rooms"

She watched as the two escorted them out of the room before she turned to look at her mates.

All three of them looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world "are you going to kill me" she whispered
All three of them froze before caius stepped forward shocking the guards in the room.

He grabbed her face gently "nobody here I going to kill you, we wish for you to be happy whether that is with us or without us" he whispered softly the care in his voice very clear
"But the laws" she whispered
"Laws can be broken and amended when your the volturi, we are an exception to the laws" Aro mumbled

She nodded a little as she looked at them for a second "I cannot stay here" she whispered
"Why not" Marcus whispered
"I still have school, Bella may not care about Charlie but I do" she whispered
"Why do you call your father Charlie" Aro mumbled
"He isn't my father, my parents are dead" she whispered

The entire guard and the kings looked at the girl infront of them and couldn't help but pity her, one day they would know what she has been through but that day was not today and somehow they were fine with that, they would never pressure her into anything.

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