Chapter 6

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Somehow her mates had decided that the only place in which Roselia would be safe was on a private jet in which her mates owned that was being flown by a member of the guard who would return to Volterra the moment the queen was safe and on land.

Rose had no idea what was going to happen now, with Bella and Edward only blood singers she couldn't help but feel something was coming, something that would not only break bella and Edward apart but something that would change everything, she just couldn't tell if that was a good thing or bad thing.

Rose turned her head slightly as she looked at Alice who was sat watching her with a scowl on her face, as soon as her eyes met Alice's, she quickly snapped her head away making the human girl chuckle softly.

Felix looked towards their new queen and smiled softly, in the hours she has spent with the kings they had all changed slightly, she had given Marcus a reason to live, felix had seen Marcus' smile for the first time in a very long time. He had watched Aro calm himself and become vulnerable around his human mate but what shocked them all was how she was able to control Caius' anger, how one simple look made him simple melt and calm himself.

She looked towards the Volturi guard and rose her eyebrow slightly "may I help you felix"

If vampires could blush she had no doubts that the vampire in-front of her would have been blushing by the look on his face.
"Sorry my queen" he mumbled making Dimitri chuckle beside her
"I'm no queen felix, Rose will do just fine" she smiled softly

He looked like he wished to say something but chose not to as the plane began to descend. One it was on the ground she stood up and looked towards Bella and Edward and frowned as Edward mumbled that they would find a way.

She tilted her head and looked at him "are you forgetting the law my mates have put up Edward" she mumbled

Edward went to respond but frowned as Roselia froze as she stood in the middle of the aisle of seats, Dimitri and Heidi were instantly at her side.

Rose looked around they knew she was no longer seeing the plane but something different.

Roses vision:

She gazed around the school parking lot, Dimitri at her side as her eyes landed on a girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, the girl looked towards rose and smiled, rose couldn't help but smile back at the girl, the girl felt like Dimitri did to her, she felt like family, slowly the girls eyes trailed along the car park until they ended up on Edward who was stood in between Jasper and emmett, the girl blushed under his gaze and smiled before rushing into the school.
"Who is that" Jasper mumbled
"She's my mate" Edward whispered his voice full of awe as he turned to look at the new vampire queen who looked back at him and nodded slightly before she watched Edward rush into the school.

She was quickly sucked out of her mind and blinked slightly adjusting herself to light of the plane.

She slowly looked up at Edward who was looking back at her in shock "I do not know who she is but I know she is my soul sister, so help me god Edward if you hurt her, If you get her mixed up in shit like you have done with Bella, the kings will not stop me from ripping you apart" she mumbled before she slowly began to walk off of the plane.

She looked around and spotted edwards Volvo but next to it was the most beautiful Range Rover she had ever seen
"It's yours, The kings arranged it with Carlisle" Heidi mumbled from next to her

She smiled at the woman next to her "I can't drive" she whispered
"Felix will drive for now until we teach you" Heidi smiled
She smiled and kissed her cheek gently before she walked over to the car and looked at it before she got into the passenger side as Dimitri and Heidi got in the back and felix began to drive.
"We're going to see the Cullen's first, the maters have been on the phone with Carlisle" felix mumbled

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