Chapter 15

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Athenodora and Sulpicia volturi decided that if their husbands or ex husbands no longer wanted them, then it was time that they went out and explored the new world. They had been in the castle for thousands of years, it was time they got to explore the world for what it was now.

It was time that they looked for their own mates so that they could have their own happiness just like their exs.

Shortly after her graduation she had been sat around with all three of her mates when frantic knocks began to sound from the door. She frowned slightly and stood up and opened the door gently to find a shaking and crying Sabrina, the girl instantly threw herself into her friends arms.

Rose frowned slightly as she guided her into the living room and sat with her as the kings watched her hush her the girl quietly asking what was wrong.

"Sabrina what's wrong" she whispered softly
"Edward told me" she mumbled
" that why your crying" rose whispered softly
"I don't know how to love a vampire" she mumbled

Rose smiled softly "neither did I" she whispered softly
"Wait love a vampire" Sabrina mumbled looking up at her only now noticing the three men in the corner
"Ignore those three" she smiled "but yes I know what loving a vampire feels like infact my vampires are the kings of this world" she chuckled softly
"How do you do it" Sabrina whispered
"It's not without difficulty, the fights that can happen can be so much worse with your mate, when you fight with them it feels like a hole is being ripped into your heart, but on the days when you don't fight with your mate the days are the most perfect days imaginable, it can be hard but it's worth it, it's so very worth it Sabrina" she whispered softly

Sabrina looked at her for a second before she smiled and hugged her quickly "you truly know how to talk to someone"
She smiled "that I do, now go and be with Edward" she whispered

Sabrina nodded before she rushed out.

The three kings looked at her and smiled
"You are perfect" caius whispered

She looked at him for a second before she rushed over to him and wrapped her arms awoken him and held him tightly.

Caius froze for a second before he wrapped his arms around her gently.
"I'm so sick of being mad about this, I can't do it anymore, I just want to go back to how it was" she whispered
"It can darling" Aro whispered
"I forgive you. Both of you" she mumbled "trust may not come so quickly but I forgive you"

Aro and caius looked at her before she was instantly in their arms being kissed and hugged tightly. She sighed softly and leaned against them both.

Forgiveness was easy, trust not so much.

Two days later she was packing her bags, she has agreed to go to Italy once she graduated and that was what she was going to do.

She hummed a little and smiled as she watched Marcus pack some of the underwear she hadn't worn yet, she rose her eyebrow slightly "you know if you wanted to see my underwear all you had to do was ask" she giggled

Marcus smirked as he looked at her "is that an offer" he whispered as he slowly walked towards her
She swatted his arm gently "not while your brothers are downstairs" she chuckled
"They'd love to join" he mumbled
She rolled her eyes "shut up" she whispered

She smiled a little as two arms wrapped around her gently "hello Aro" she whispered
"How did you know it was me" he mumbled
"You all smell different" she whispered
"Do we" he whispered

She nodded a little "Marcus smells like old books and rain, you smell like grass and mint and caius smells like smoke and fresh linen" she whispered "I love how you all smell" she smiled as she turned and kissed his cheek gently before she skipped down the stairs.

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