Chapter 19

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As Roselia stared at didyme she began to see a life, a life where the queen has not died. She saw her and Marcus being absolutely happy, she watched as the depressed Marcus she saw in her head never existed if didyme had stayed alive.

She watched as the queen made everyone happy, She watched as she sat with caius in the throne room laughing, she watched as her and Aro tended to the gardens together, she watched as Marcus and her loved each other for over three thousand years.

But what made her hurt was what she saw next. If didyme volturi was alive the moment that Roselia swan stepped into Volterra then her life would have been so very different.

She looked towards the woman and smiled sadly "now I know why I was never jealous of you" she whispered as Marcus came to stand next to her
"Why" he mumbled as she stared at the woman he could not see
"il compagno morto troppo presto" Rose whispered (the mate that died too soon)

Didyme smiled sadly at her as Marcus looked down at her as she frowned "I can see what would have happened if she had lived" rose whispered "you and her would have been happy and then when I came, I wouldn't have gained three mates, I'd have four, I can feel it, the bond that never be, the bond that was broken all too soon" she whispered as she looked at the woman "the bond of my dead mate" she mumbled as she gripped Marcus' arm
"Oh love" he mumbled as he kissed her head gently

She shook her head "we need to go to the throne room" she whispered as she looked at didyme "you too" she smiled softly

As they walked down the corridor of the castle hee mind was plagued with a future that could have happened, a future that will never be. Had didyme volturi lived, she would have been Roses fourth mate. Not only that but her and Marcus would have loved didyme until the end of time, just like rose would have loved him and her and just how Marcus would have loved both of them.

She stopped just outside the throne room and smiled as she ushered Marcus in, before she turned to the old queen "your betrayal isn't towards your brothers or our love, your fear isn't for yourself but for those three kings, so I am going to ask once and once alone queenie, was it the old queens" she whispered softly

Didyme looked at the girl for a second before she slowly nodded "I remember walking down the corridor, it was the day the Romanians stormed the castle, I found out that Athenodora and Sulpicias mates were the two Romanian kings, they were planning to over throw our kings and I couldn't let that happen, I tried running from the old queens and tried going to tell our kings but they caught me, they burnt me alive" she whispered tears in her eyes "right where I stood"

Rose twitched slightly as she growled lowly "I believe it's time to give you revenge" she smirked as she walked to the throne room doors "are you going to watch"

"Of course I am" didyme smiled

Rose nodded and listened in on what was happening in the throne room.

She could practically hear the smirk in Sulpicias voice as she spoke
"So you've had enough of your little pet and now you want us back" she smiled
"Shame she died" Athenodora smirked

Rose rolled her eyes and pushed the doors open making them slam against the wall causing all the vampires in the room to jump "hmm such a shame your plan didn't work" she smirked as she strolled past the two kneeling women.

She kissed aros cheek gently
"Why are we here then" Sulpicia growled

Rose smirked as she walked past Aro and sat herself on his throne "well ladies, today I'm going to be judge, jury and executioner" she smirked as she leaned back in the throne
"Welcome to your trail ladies" she chuckled softly
"You know you look quite sadistic it's a good look on you" didyme smirked as she sat on the arm of aros throne next to the new vampire queen

Rose smiled as she turned her head to look at the woman only she could see "maybe I'll wear it more often queenie" she smiled
"Who is she talking to" Athenodora mumbled
"I knew she was crazy" Sulpicia whispered

Rose snapped her head towards the two kneeling queens "crazy may be the right word but I prefer insane" she smirked as she looked at them

"Now ladies, welcome to your trial, you stand accused me not only being the reason I'm now a vampire, so your here for my death" she whispered "but there's one more thing your here for" she smirked as she stood up and looked around the room

At this moment the entirety of the volturi guard stood in the room watching her as did her kings and the old queen who was still sat on the arm of aros throne.

"Sulpicia and Athenodora Volturi, you are not only being charged with my death, you stand accused of the murder of didyme volturi how do you plead" she smiled at them, the smile was so innocent, so sickening that the two queens in front of her knew their death was coming. The look on her face terrified everyone in the room.

Sulpicia volturi looked at the woman stood in front of her and growled "we did no such thing, the Romanians killed her, how dare you cause us of killing our sister"

Nobody saw it coming. Nobody saw the look on their queens face, until until Sulpicia was on the floor with their new queens foot pressed against her throat
"Sister" she growled "how dare you call her your sister, how dare you call the woman I never got a chance to love your sister, she is nothing to you and you are nothing to her" she growled louder her eyes turning completely black

"What are you" Athenodora whispered

Rose smirked as she let go of Sulpicia and leaned into the touch she felt on her shoulder, the touch of the dead queen.
"Like I said, I am your judge, jury and executioner, welcome to your death sentence" she smirked

Everyone looked at the new queen, they were absolutely terrified of her.

Okay I need a little help I have two ways this story could go but I can't decide which way for it to go. Would anyone like didyme to come back or should she stay dead and find peace after the whole trial.

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