Chapter 21

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The days after the two old queens had been burned alive were filled with happiness and love.

Having didyme made them all unbelievably happy, she spent time with Caius sitting and talking about everything she had missed. She tended to the garden with Aro as they hugged each other a lot. And then there was Marcus and didyme. Everyone could see they loved each other but that love was not the same as before, in all honesty the relationship they now had was very single to the one rose had with Carlisle.

For rose having didyme near filled a hole in her heart she did not know that she had.

The weeks after didyme came back were filled with peace, there were barely any days in which there were trials so most of the time she would spend each day with a different one of her mates.

Each night she would sleep in the same bed as one of her loves and finally after learning to trust both caius and Aro again she had given herself to them as well as didyme multiple times at this point and she always loved them.

It has been three weeks since the death of the old queens when she received a call from Sabrina.

She frowned slightly at the name before she walked out into the garden
"Hello" she smiled
"Rosie I need your help" Sabrina mumbled
She frowned "Sabrina what's wrong"
"I can't tell you over the phone just please come to the cullens" Sabrina muttered
"I'm on my way" she whispered before hanging up

Rose instantly sped into her bedroom and looked at didyme "pack a bag your coming with me to forks" she mumbled for some reason she felt like she needed to lie to the kings so she called for felix
"Felix tell the kings I needed to return to forks it's a family emergency, tell them I took Didyme with me and we'll be back in around two weeks" she mumbled as her and didyme sped around the room throwing things into a bag

Rose and didyme grabbed their bags before they sped out of the castle and over to where the private jet was. Once they were onboard and in the air they boy looked at each other and sighed softly
"What do you think is wrong with your friend" didyme whispered
"I do not know but I have a bad feeling" she whispered as she laid her head on her shoulder gently
"What kind of feeling" didyme mumbled
"The feeling of death" she whispered
Didyme frowned as she looked at her mate before bringing her into her arms.

The two mates sat next to each other for the entire flight holding each other, didyme whispered sweet and soothing words to her mate as rose kept stressing over what was going to happen with her friend and why she needed help.

Once the plane landed Rose made sure that the pilot did not tell anyone where they were going or why they were here.

Rose looked towards her mate once they arrived at the cullen household and gripped her hand tightly "it'll be okay" she whispered softly
Rose nodded a little and walked to the door and knocked gently

It was only a matter of seconds later when Carlisle instantly pulled her into his arms, she smiled a little and giggled as she listened to the growls of her mate.
"Hush pretty lady carlisle I my best friend" she whispered as she hugged carlisle back "hello" she whispered
"Hello to you too, we've all missed you" he whispered softly before he looked up and his eyes widened before he looked down at rose and looked at her silver eyes
"I know it's new, I sort of died a few weeks ago, and brought didyme back, she's also my mate" she smiled a little "I'll explain it all later but right now I would like to see my sister"

Carlisle nodded a little before he opened the door more to allow them in
"I don't think I should be here" didyme whispered making rose snap her head towards her
"You don't have to come in if you don't want to but I would like you here baby" Rose whispered as she held her hand out to her

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