Chapter 9

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Edward Cullen had a big decision to make, does he leave Bella for good and let himself be happy with his mate or does he stay with Bella and find a way to be with her despite the volturi telling him not to turn her.

Edward had never been so torn in his life, he needed advice and he had no idea why but he craved the advice from Roselia.

The moment he laid eyes on his mate it was as if all of his life had made sense, it was like all the bad things he had done had led him to that very moment, to the woman that was so pure and so angelic that if she wasn't human he would believe that she was a true angel.

Edward sped home that night and sighed as he stood in the living room of his home and froze as he looked at the volturi king who was holding his mate so tightly.

"Roselia" he mumbled as he stepped into the living room causing caius to tense up and growl
"Hush my love" she whispered softly before turning to Edward "yes" she mumbled
"Can I talk to you" he whispered

She looked at him for a second before she looked at caius both of them seemingly having a conversation with just their eyes. It was only a moment later when she stood up and kissed her mates cheek
"We can talk outside where mr grumpy pants over there can still see me" she smiled as she began to walk outside.

Edward looked at caius for a second before he followed her out onto the balcony outside.
"How can I help you Edward" she whispered
"I don't know what to do" he mumbled
"In regards to what" she mumbled
"Sabrina, she walked in today and every bad thing that I've ever done seemed to disappear, it was like it all led me to her, but then there's Bella, Alice promised me she was my mate and now I know she isn't I do not know what to do" he mumbled

She looked at him for a second "this is the only time I will allow this to happen edward, look into my mind" she mumbled

He turned to her and nodded as he concentrated on her mind and was instantly pulled into a memory of her and Bella not long after she found out about vampires.

Roses memory

Bella and Rose sat in the bedroom both looking at the book after bella had confronted Edward
"So you love Edward" rose smiled
"No..he can give me what I want" Bella mumbled
She frowned as she looked at her friend "and what is that" she mumbled
"Immortality, he can give me immortality" Bella mumbled

The memory ended fairly quickly, Edward was stood in front of her with not only shock but also hurt on his face
"Does that help you with your decision edward" she whispered softly
"It helps a lot" he mumbled
"I may not like you right now edward but I don't like Bella a hell of alot more right now, be happy edward but so help me you hurt Sabrina and it'll be the last thing you do" she mumbled before she patted his arm gently before she walked back inside.

Edward stayed on the balcony for awhile as he thought about everything that was happening in his life before he sighed softly, he realised now that anything he had felt for Bella had been nothing but irresistible blood lust but as he looked at Sabrina he found a life he could have.

Edward sped to the swan house and looked up at Bella's window before he grabbed his phone and dialled her number
"Edward" she smiled
"We need to talk" he mumbled
"What's wrong" she whispered
"I can't do this anymore, you clearly don't want me and just want what I can offer you, I think it's best we break up" he mumbled
"Edward no" she mumbled
"I'm sorry" he whispered before he hung up.

Meanwhile Rose walked back into the cullen house and looked at her mate who stood by the window, she smiled as she leaned against the wall "you look pretty" she mumbled
Caius turned to her a small smile on his face "I look pretty" he mumbled "I believe you look pretty sweetheart"
She smiled at him and walked into his arms and laid her head on his chest and sighed softly "why did you come" she whispered softly
"We all heard how sad you were on the phone so we agreed that one of us would come and be with you and I happened to be me that won" he mumbled as he kissed her head gently

She smiled and cuddled into him "I told my dad" she whispered softly
"About everything" he mumbled
"About absolutely everything lovey, he wants to meet you three" she mumbled
Caius looked down at her for a second "I would like to meet him" he mumbled
"You would" she whispered
"I would" he smiled

She looked at him for a second and then smiled "would you like to meet him now" she whispered
"If your happy baby" he mumbled

She smiled and grabbed his hand gently and walked out to her car with him "can you drive" she whispered softly
"Of course" he mumbled and kissed her hand gently

He opened the door for her and helped her into the car before he sped around to the drivers side and began to drive while following the directions to her home.

She squeezed his hand gently as they drove loving the fact that she had one of her mates with her. As she looked at him she couldn't help but memorise every inch of his face, all of her mates were perfect to her in every single way.

Caius turned his head and smiled "your staring beautiful" he whispered
"That I am" she smiled at him

He rolled his eyes slightly as he parked outside of the swan house hold
"Be nice okay" she whispered softly
"Of course my love" he mumbled softly

Both of them walked into the house and watched as her dad lifted his head before he stood up quickly and looked at them both
"Dad this is caius" she smiled
Charlie looked at the man for a second and tilted his head "am I supposed to bow" he whispered looking at Heidi
Heidi chuckled softly "that is up to your daughter and the king"

Rose smiled a little "you don't need to bow dad" she whispered softly
Charlie nodded a little and grabbed his shot gun off the table and looked at the vampire "you and I are going to talk, rose stay with your mother" he mumbled

Charlie took caius into the kitchen and looked at him as he sat down "now you are going to tell me what your intentions are with my daughter"

Caius looked at the man and for the first time in centuries he actual was scared of the man in front of her
"The moment I saw your daughter and the moment I realised someone has hurt her, I was absolutely livid, I wanted nothing more than to tare the people apart that hurt my mate, I have only known her for a short amount of time but I know she's perfect, she's sweet and she is kind, she is everything that I am not and I will never hold her back from anything she wishes to do" he mumbled as he looked down at him

Charlie looked at him before he nodded "hurt her and I'll find a way to kill you" he mumbled as he walked into the living room and joined his mate and daughter.

Caius walked into the room and sat on the other side of his mate and kissed her head gently as she cuddled into his side.

Charlie looked at them both and couldn't help but smile at the contentment on his daughters face all he had ever wanted was for her to be happy and now she was.

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