Chapter 13

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Being with someone you loved always made your heart feel full, like all your worried would simply disappear, as Rose sat in Marcus' arms she felt at peace, she as if all her worries disappeared and yet her mind always trailed back to her two other kings. The she wished were here too.

She knew deep down she could not forgive them, not yet, Marcus was different, he never kept the secret from her, his wife had died a very long time ago so with Marcus she did not feel like a home wrecker or a cheat, with Marcus she just felt like a girl in love.

But with Caius and Aro she felt as if she had destroyed their poor wives hearts, clearly they had been with their wives for such a long time. Forgiving the kings would not be easy, they would have to earn her trust again, that doesn't mean she'd never feel bad for what she had ultimately done, but now it was up to them to decide if she was worth it or if their wives were more important.

Caius and Aro returned to volterra the moment their mate had made them leave her home, they were both utterly angry, not at her but at themselves, they should have been honest with her. The moment the two of walked into the throne room everyone could tell that whatever was about to happen would cause an absolute uproar in the volturi castle.

Aro and caius walked up to their thrones and sat for a second before looking at each other, it was like they were talking to one another without even speaking. It scared the guards when the kings had silent conversations it meant one thing and one thing alone, bad things were about to happen.

Aro stood up and looked towards Jane "go and get our wives" he mumbled
Jane nodded before she sped away.

None of the guard had missed how he had said wives instead of queens, to them the queens had always been the queen but suddenly not anymore. Something was about to happen.

It took only seconds for Jane to return with the two women Athenodora and Sulpicia, when the two women saw their husbands they smiled and raced to them only to be held back by Alec and Santiago
"My love what it's going on, where are Dimitri and Felix" Sulpicia frowned as she looked around the room
"I do not believe that is any concern of yours" Caius mumbled
"Caius be nice" Athenodora mumbled glaring at her husband
Caius looked at the woman and stood up "you should watch how you speak to a king Athena" he growled

Aro rested his hand on his shoulder gently "calm brother, I have no doubt if we hurt them Lia will not be happy" he mumbled
Caius relaxed slightly as he began to think about his mate

The wives looked at their husbands before they frowned "it is no secret our relationships have been strained for the last few hundred years, our marriages not even legal by modern law any more" Aro mumbekd
Sulpicia looked at him and nodded before smiling "are we renewing our marriage" she whispered excitement filling her face
"No. We are ending the marriages, in the old ways and the new ways" Caius mumbled causing the former queens to freeze as they looked at them

"We are the queens you can't do this" Athenodora muttered
"You are not queens, you never will be again, your queen is not here right now, she is with Marcus" Aro glared slightly
Sulpicia frowned "your leaving us because Marcus found his mate" she whispered
"No we are leaving because our shared mate is our queen and our world, you are free to leave or stay, do what you wish but you no longer have authority here, the guards will treat you as just another vampire" Caius mumbled "now excuse me" caius whispered before he sped out of the throne room and sped into his office that he shared with his brothers.

He looked to the desk and grabbed the phone as Aro walked in before the man could say anything he dialled Marcus' number.
"Hello brothers" Marcus whispered trying carefully not to wake his sweet mate who slept against his chest
"How is she" Caius mumbled
"Tried, sad, I explained my story to her, she's let me back in but for you too she can't be as forgiving" he mumbled
"We know, we'll do anything to get her to forgive us" Aro mumbled

Rose frowned a little as she opened her eyes hearing her two mates voices, she looked up at Marcus who laid in her bed with her, she smiled a little "Marcus" she whispered
Aro and caius froze at the sound of their mates voice thankfully she sounded happier than she had the last time they spot
"Yes bambina" he whispered as he looked down at her
"Can I speak to them" she whispered softly
"Are you certain" he mumbled
"Yes" she smiled

Marcus nodded and handed her the phone, she sat up slowly clutching the sheets to her naked body as Marcus leaned back and admired his beautiful mate.
"Hello" she whispered softly
Her voice was happier, it was lighter, clearly Marcus had influenced her happiness
"Amore" Aro whispered
"Just let me speak" she smiled
"Of course cara" caius mumbled

"When I found out about your wives I was completely shattered, you all told me that I was your mate, your soulmate, knowing you had wives made me think I was a home wrecker that I was splitting up a marriage, I won't apologise for my anger, I think my anger was warranted but I will apologise for not letting you explain, now I can't promise that I can forgive you right away, forgiveness takes time and if I'm honest you two need to earn my trust again, Marcus is different he didn't have a wife during any part of our relationship but you both did" she whispered "Aro you called me these sweet names and I showed you my entire life, my parents death and the pain I've felt because I trusted you, I believed you and then you had a wife. Caius you have me an amazing week, one that ended in my first kiss and I loved it but when I found out about your wife I felt dirty, I'd kissed a married man" she mumbled as she leaned back into Marcus slightly "love isn't something I can just make go away, I'll always love the three of you but right now the only one with all of my trust is Marcus, come to graduation, explain everything and we can go from there"

Aro and caius stood staring at the phone, their mate was amazing, certainly she had a temper but this right now proved to the three kings that she would make a perfect queen. She'd be the queen they needed.
"We understand completely amore" Caius whispered
"We will do anything and everything we can to make you trust us again" Aro whispered
"I believe you" she mumbled "good night Aro, Caius"

They each gave her tenor own goodbye before the phone hung up.

Aro and Caius looked at each other and instantly knew that they would do anything to get their love back no what what.

Rose put Marcus' phone on the bedside table and turned to look at him "do you think that was the right thing to do" she whispered
"Does it feel right" he whispered as he kissed her shoulder gently
"It did" she smiled a little
"Then it's the right thing to have done" he smiled as he pulled her naked body flush against his
"If only my brothers could see you now, all flushed and fucked" he smirked
She gasped and slapped him gently "Marcus" she scolded
He chuckled softly as he kissed her neck gently "I'm not going to say sorry, they messed up and I got to comfort you, in many ways" he whispered as looked at her
"I didn't sleep with you for comfort Marcus" she whispered as she stroked his cheek "I slept with you because I wanted to, I wanted you to be my first" she mumbled and leaned down and kissed him gently
"And I will cherish you for the rest of my days" he mumbled as he flipped them over so she was under him

She smiled up at him and he could see all the love she held in her eyes, to Marcus she was perfection, the purest form of perfect in the world and he would protect her with his life, he would not loose her.

She watched as Marcus moved slightly so his head was laid on her chest and his arms wrapped around her waist, she smiled softly as she gently ran her hand through his hair gently "I love you Marcus" she whispered softly
"I love you too bambino" he mumbled as he closed his eyes, for the first time since he turned he felt as though he could sleep

When Marcus volturi was with his mate he was perfectly content, he was no longer the stoic king who was grieving, his was his old, happy and healthy self, full of happiness and hope all thanks to the girl above him who fell asleep stroking his hair, even in her sleep she wanted to offer her mate comfort and so her hand stayed in his hair all night long.

The Queen they needed- The volturi kings Where stories live. Discover now