Chapter 22

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It had been almost a week since Rose and Didyme arrived in forks, each day was filled with some new drama which she ultimately always fixed. First it was bella coming to tell Sabrina she was a whore for stealing Edward from her, that ended with Rose throwing her out of the house.

The next day it was the wolves, Bella had told them that vampires had hurt her, that ended with rose threatening all of the wolves.

After that it was mainly family drama, most which rose just sat and sighed about. Though she had didyme with her she was missing her kings.

Each day she wished to call them and tell them of the child that her sister was carrying but each time Edward would take her phone from her.

Once the week was over to began to feel as if something was not right and she needed her mates by her side.

She kissed didyme gently and told her that she was going hunting before she sped off and sped far away from the house.

Once she was far enough away she grabbed her phone and instantly dialled them familiar number, it only took a few seconds before she heard his sweet voice "bambino" Marcus whispered making her sigh in relief as tears came to her eyes
"Marcus" she whispered her voice breaking slightly
"Amore what's wrong" Caius mumbled
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she whispered
"Shh darling it's okay just speak to us" Aro muttered

She sighed softly "I tried calling, every day I tried but he kept taking my phone, I don't know what to do nobody wants me to tell you" she whispered
"Tells us baby we won't tell anyone you told us" caius whispered softly
She teared slightly as she looked around the woods "Sabrina and Edward have a child, their child, somehow she's pregnant" she whispered
"We're on our way princess we'll be with you soon" Marcus whispered as she heard Aro and caius shouting orders at the guard
"I have to go" she whispered as she hung up just before didyme appeared in front of her making her sigh in relief

"They're on their way" didyme smiled a little causing rose to nod "you did what was right rose" she whispered as she brought her mate into her arms.

Rose sighed as she leaned into her mates embrace, she knew she had gone against the cullens wishes but if anyone knew how to help her sister it would be her kings and she would never be sorry for doing something that could very well help her sister in the long run.

It was two days before any news came from the kings which worried rose more than she liked to admit, when Saturday came she slowly walked down the stairs, for many days she had felt quite weak but she put that up to not having fed in quite awhile

She walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where she made herself a glass of water before she leaned against the counter.

The moment they stepped through the doors was the moment she felt completely and utterly safe.

Her eyes met Aros and she instantly sped into his arms and laid her head on his chest as she relaxed into him slowly as she closed her eyes.

His arms instantly wrapped around her as he laid his head in the crook of her neck he sighed softly as he just listened to caius and Marcus speak with carlisle and the cullens.

"What is it" Caius mumbled as he glanced at Sabrina
"Rose says she saw a child when she touch Sabrina's stomach but with all the medical equiptment I have I haven't been able to see" carlisle mumbled

Rose frowned as she gripped onto the front of Aros jacket as she slowly closed her eyes
"We have never heard about any of this before" Marcus mumbled as he looked at Sabrina
"What do you suggest we do" Aro mumbled
"Clearly we must destroy it before any harm comes to any of us" Caius growled

Rose froze before she turned to him and glared "how dare you" she whispered causing everyone to look at her
"Rose" Caius mumbled
"How dare you threaten my Sister and her child, you will not touch her and you definitely will not fucking touch that baby" she growled loudly
"It is an abomination" he growled back
"If he child is an abomination does that make our child one too" she whispered causing all three of the kings to freeze, as well as Sabrina, Charlie, Heidi and Dimitri

Didyme walked up to her and gently place her hand on her shoulder "calm down, it's not safe for you or the child" he whispered softly as she kissed her cheek gently

Rose nodded a little and looked towards her kings, she watched as the three of them stood frozen in their position "I think you broke them" Emmett mumbled
"I think I did" she whispered as Marcus slowly looked at her
"Your pregnant" he whispered
She nodded a little as he hand slowly went to her stomach

Marcus' eyes slowly trailed down until they landed in her hand, he was the first one to quickly move over and wrap his arms around her as he kissed her deeply "your perfect" he whispered as he kneeled down and kissed her stomach "incredible" he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his head on her stomach.

Aro looked at her before he slowly walked over to her "you have no idea how happy this makes us" he whispered softly as he kissed her head gently and pulled her into his arms

She slowly looked up at caius and frowned "Cai" she whispered softly

He looked at her with unshed tears in his eyes "I do not know how to be a father" he whispered
"Oh my love" she whispered softly as she walked over to him "you will be the most perfect father do you know why" she whispered
"Why" he mumbled
"Because despite everyone thinking you are the angry king you are the most sweetest and kindest man I have ever known and our child will love you above all" she whispered

He looked at her for a second before he smiled and pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

As the three kings looked at their mate they could not help but know that they would protect her and their child with their lives.

Hello, so I started writing a new book it's called destiny if you'd check it out that would be great.

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