Part 1

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"What have we got" Dr Styles asks as he grabs the side of the gurney and helps rush the patient into one of the empty emergency rooms

"Male, 17, overdosed on sleeping pills, he was found by his older brother unresponsive" Sammy, one of the ambulance officers states as they begin handover

"Okay, I want fluids up, toxicology run, we will try to flush the drug through his system first" Harry says to the nurses as he gets to work trying to stabilise the patient

"Louis" Sammy says, Harry nods in acknowledgement

"Harry?" Scott asks as he enters the cubicle quickly to help.

"Overdose, sleeping pills" Harry says as Scott gets to work on assessing Louis breathing

"Breathing laboured and uneven, let's intubate" Scott then says

Harry grabs the equipment needed and begins

He moves behind Louis and opens his mouth as he tries to place the tube

"I'm in" Harry says when he successfully places the tube in.

Medical jargon is then thrown around, as they do everything they can to stabilise Louis.

"Boys" Amy says as they are about to leave the room, having handed over their patient

Scott and Harry look towards Amy and Sammy

"Drew is the one who found him, he's Drew, Andy and Edwards little brother" Amy says sadly

"What?" The boys both ask worriedly and aghast

They both look back towards the bed and really take in the small boy. They had no idea the boys had a brother, but they will do everything they can to save him.

In the waiting room Drew, Edward and Andy are pacing pack and forth as they anxiously await news on Louis.

Louis is the boys half brother, Andy was 9, Edward 8 and Drew 7 when their Mum Joanna  married a man called Troy, Louis was then born 3 years later. The boys loved their little brother and absolutely doted on him, he was the absolute light of their lives.

When Louis was 10 Troy got a job 5 hours away from London and the boys had the choice to move with them or stay in London. They were all in medical school and decided to stay, move out and live together in the city so they could all complete their degrees. The day Louis left with their parents was heartbreaking, the boys were so upset and Louis cried for weeks before he settled down. The boys tried to visit as much as they could, but as Louis grew up and became a teenager, they lost touch a little.

Ten months ago, Joanna died from cancer and three months ago Troy moved Louis and himself back to London when his work transferred him back into the city. The boys have been trying to slowly get to know Louis again and they were going to take Louis to the movies today as it's the boys day off.

Drew went to pick Louis up, when he found him on the floor in the bathroom, unconscious with the pill bottle beside him.

They know Louis is in good hands with Scott and Harry but they are worried.

Once Scott and Harry manage to stabilise Louis, they make their way out to the waiting room to find the boys.

"Boys" Harry calls as they see them standing in the corner worriedly

The boys look towards Scott and Harry and make their way over

"Is he okay?" Andy asks concerned

The boys all met in medical school and decided to move in together their first year. They are true friends and wouldn't know what to do without each other. Harry and Scott are in a relationship and have been for the past four years and they all together run the whole ER

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