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Somewhere in the streets of Inazuma, the city of the famous Raimon Jr. High, wanders a 17 year old boy. His hair is navy blue and the tip of his ponytail in the back is dyed red. Compared to his hairstyle in Jr. High, his spikes that he styles upwards are a bit messier. After all he barely finds time in the morning to style it properly and why would he need to anyways. During summer time he ties his long hair in the back to a high ponytail but in winter he leaves it down. Others say he seems emo and dark with his edgy clothes, black nail polish and eyeliner. A simple glare with his orange eyes is all he needs to shut them up though.
His new school uniform is messy as well.
No tie, collar open, jacket open as well and he holds the bag over his shoulder. Today is his first day at High School and let me tell you.. I don't think he's going to make the best first impression. It's already quarter past 8. The entrance ceremony started 15 minutes ago and he just reached the gate.
Unbothered he takes a look at the banner that hangs at the entrance.

We welcome every student to Inazuma Highschool ! May your start be a successful one !

How do you start your first year in highschool successful??
Maybe find friends? Be on time?
Make your first appearance be one to remember?
In conclusion, everything this boy didn't have an interest in. What does he even have an interest in?
He rolled up the sleeve of his jacket. His watch was shining brightly and there seemed to be a weird sign on it. Like an alarm for something. Is this what highschool students wear nowadays?

A smirk crawled onto his face.
,,I'll find one here."

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