Drunk p.2

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(Still flashback)

Aoi's PoV:
,,Look, look who we have here~"
A sing sang voice appeared behind us.

,,If it isn't little cinnamon bun and tiny blueberry~"

Not him please!

,,Oh, Akuma is here too." said Hikaru as he looked up.

Akuma: Didn't know y'all are such party animals. You're not even at legal age yet, right?

Tenma: am... 21

Akuma: Let me guess~ Kyou invited you and filled you up?

Aoi: Only Tenma kinda...

Tenma: *hic* YoU coll him Kyou?

Akuma got dangerously close to Tenma and even place a hand under his chin.
,,I do~ And if you want I can call you.. my Ten-Ten?~"

Silence...A moment of nothingness and then ..


Everyone looked over. Shocked.
Akuma started looking down his way too open shirt and onto the sleeves of his leather jacket.
Tenma's head was laying passed out on the the sofa.

I really had to hold my laughter.

Kariya bursted out in laughter. Tsurugi turned away, grabbing some towels and stuff, I could see him grinning as well.

Kariya: After all those drinks, that was bound to happen ahhahahahaa
But that was just the best timing ever hahaha Tenma probably won't even remember it hahaha

Akuma left after a saying goodbye and we cleaned up the mess. Tsurugi told us we could sleep in the rentable rooms. They're not that expensive either and he'll wash the clothes while we rest.
So we went into the rooms and layed down to rest.

Flashback end
(Still Aoi's PoV)

So here we are.
Someone knocked so I went over to open it.
,,Hey Aoi.." Infront of me was Tenma. His hair was a mess and he still kind of smelled like alcohol but not as bad as yesterday.
,,How are you feeling, Tenma?" With my hand, I lead him into the room. In the end, I was still worried.

,,Good.. Just worn out and my head hurts like crazy but otherwise.. fine."

,,Wait here." I know that I have painkillers in my purse so I went to grab them with a water bottle. ,,These will help." ,,Thanks." Tenma's smile wasn't as bright as usually but that's understandable. We sat down together and he hugged me, not intending to let go. ,,I can barely remember anything that happened yesterday.. Did I miss something important?"

,,Well.. Akuma appeared and you puked all over him and then passed out into some deep sleep."


I could only nod in agreement. ,,He was flirting again."

,,I should apologize to him the next time I see him!"

,,You should also take the painkillers now."

,,Oh right!" Finally he took them.

,,Can you walk straight again?"

,,I think so."

,,Then let's get the others and leave this place. Something about it is sketchy and this is not the right place to rest."

We knocked at the door of Kariya and Hikaru's room but noone opened.

,,Looking for the 2 boys?" A tall, handsome man came over to us with a smirk.

,,Uhh.. Yes. Do you happen to know where they are?"

,,Absolutely. They're already in the lobby.
Are you friends of them?"

,,We are." Tenma answered looking up.

,,Ah nice. Then tell them that I think it's great that they live out their sexual desires like that! We rarely have gays rent our rooms. I think it's amazing! Gotta go now though. Come by again~"

He left as fast as he came, leaving Tenma and me dumbfounded because of what he just said.
That's obviously a misunderstanding..

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