Catching up

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Tenma was smiling while he tried to catch his breath and swiped some sweat off his forehead. Infront of him was his old friend and former teammate Shindou who was equally exhausted as it seemed.

,,That was a pretty good match, Tenma. You improved even more. Should have expected that from you."

Tenma laughed sheepishly in reply. ,,Same goes to you, Shindou. Your plays are still as mesmerizing and well planned as they were back in Jr. High! I missed playing with you and the others a lot."

The pink haired male came over as well. ,,I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say that we did too. I miss the Raimon team. Everything has been different since joining a new team. It wasn't easy getting the team to come together and start from the start again basically."

,,But compared to InaHigh's team you have seemed to mastered that already."
Coach Kudou came over with a serious face and crossed arms.
,,Should there be a next time, this team will be able to play as one as well hopefully. Congratulations on winning."

,,Thank you, Sir. It was still a pleasure being able to play against this team. I'll keep up with them to see them improve." said Shindou. He was still as well mannered and skilled as in Jr. High. He probably has even more fangirls now.

,,Good match, Kirino." Kariya was grinning sneakily as he saw his former upper class man that he used to tease so often.
,,Indeed it was. Your flexibility never fails to impress me even to this day."
,,Nice new haircut btw."
,,Some still mistake me for a girl tho.."
,,Can't blame them."
,,Your hair got longer, Kariya."
,,Yep, I tie it in the back now mostly."

A group formed with all the former Raimon member. They couldn't help but catch up on how things have been every since starting highschool and talking about those old days and everything they got to experience in Jr. High.

,,How about all of you come over to my house today? We're having a sleepover and I'm sure a few more guests won't be a problem."
Sangoku smiled apologizing as he declined Tenma's offer politely.
,,Sorry, Tenma. I definitely can't come. Maybe another time."
,,I could come." said Kirino. ,,Me too."

Tenma felt happy knowing that Shindou and Kirino would come over and that things would seem like the old days at Raimon. He missed those times very often.

,,Let's go then! I bet Aki is already preparing dinner. After a match like this I'm really hungry." Tenma's big grin affected the others immediately and they all smiled at eachother.

,,I could eat a whole store." Shinsuke laughed.

Everyone got ready to make their first step home but they couldn't even get forward as a ton of screaming fangirls ran them over like nothing. Well except for Shindou and Kirino. Tsurugi just stood in the back and watched as he had to wait for them unfortunately.

There were a few girls who peeked over to him as well but noone dared flirting or coming near him. He enjoy the peace and watching his so called friends get run over by some crazy chicks.

,, T-those two have always been popular." coughed Kariya as he made out his way and got up. ,,Especially Shindou."

The others rescued themselves too. ,,If it wasn't for their looks, I would say they are all after them right now bcs of their win."

Tenma was typing a message to his aunt Aki so that she that two more guests would be coming. After Shindou and Kirino excused themselves, they were finally free from their fangirls.

,,Some things just never change, hm?"

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