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(Still Tenma's PoV)

Aoki: Uhm.. coach? What was that for?
Did you have some kind of deal with them?

Coach Kudou: Indeed. These two worked under my command. They teased and provoked you on purpose.

,,But why?" I asked, clearly just as confused as the others.

Coach Kudou: It was too help you.
All of you barely know eachother. That's why I decided the groups. If I would have let you decide freely, you would have gone and practiced with the people you already know.
But as a team you need to know your fellow members. How they're like, what skills they posess, how to adjust to those and communication is easier that way too. As you know, Tenma, communication is a big part of being in a team and out on the field.
I want you to be comfortable around eachother and for that you'll have to get to know eachother better. But you can't work together if you don't communicate and try to work together, see what each as an individual can do.

Nano: I see! So the twins were just bait to get us to work together!

,,Because we might not have had a chance against them on our own. That's why we had to combine our skills and work together."

Coach Kudou just nodded in reply. He seems satisfied with what we found out and that his plan worked.

,,As expected from coach. You just can't guess what's going on in his mind. But once you figure it out, it's amazing."

Nano: Sometimes I really don't understand what's going on inside this man's head but seeing how many teams he has brought success, I can't help but just try and push through.

Shinsuke, who had seen and heard the whole scene, came over.

Shinsuke: I heard that even back in the days of Inazuma Japan he did such things. Giving the members tasks and rules which seemed unreasonable but they ended up being really helpful in the end.

,,Coach Kudou just has his very own mind."

Kariya: As long as they work it should be fine.

We looked over to our sudden guest.

Kariya: What? I'm not wrong, am I?

Tanigawa: Nah. Guess not.

Kariya: *proud*

Everyone: ^^"

We continued our practice with some 5 vs 5 matches and shoots.
Soon practice was over and we went home.
I'm exhausted!

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