Friendly match

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Just two days later it was time for the long awaited friendly match. The team was excited to see who they're going to be up against and training some more before they arrived.

Tenma had already asked all of his friends to come to the sleepover and they all agreed. Even Tsurugi decided to come.

,,Team! Gather up!"
Everyone listened to coach Kudou and they lined up infront of him.
,,I hope all of you trained plenty knowing that you have a match today. I'm going to look at each of your plays and I hope to see improvement. Remember that you could be easily replaced if you're not good enough."

Shinsuke leaned over to his best friend and whispered:,,Replaced? Isn't that a bit too much?"

,,If you're dragging your fellow members behind because of a lack of skill I won't hesitate to dismiss you officially. I hope I made myself clear enough with this."

It was quiet. Noone said a word and nervous pairs of eyes looked around.

,,Let's welcome the team who made their way over to us. The Calton High soccer team."
The players turned around alarmed by the sound of steps. Each of them scanned player by player and unsurprisingly whispers could be heard off field by the students who were watching.

,,Thank you for accepting our over for a friendly match. We are glad to be here. My name is Shindou Takuto and I'm the team captain of Calton High's team."

Tenma's PoV:
I almost couldn't believe it! It's Shindou! And he's not the only one of our old friends who is here!

Kirino and Sangoku are here too! That's amazing! So many of the old Raimon team are here now!

Noone's PoV:
Shindou stepped forward. His hair had gotten longer. It was tied in a half bun in the back.
,,I'm the captain of the Calton High soccer team. Thank you for accepting our request. We hope to have a successful and fun match  with you today."
The ashy brown haired boy glanced over at Tenma and gave him a quick smile before looking back at the rest of the team more seriously. ,,Don't think we'll go easy on you though."

,,Of course not. You should warm up now." Coach Kudou said and sat onto the bench.

This was going to be an interesting match for sure!

The old Raimon players got together and had a talk before warming up.
Tsurugi was leaning against a wall, eyeing them suspectingly.

Kirino seemed to notice and looked over to him. His hair was cut to shoulder level which he tied into a low ponytail as he was getting ready for the match. Something about Tsurugi clearly bothered him.

Tsurugi's PoV:
I know Shindou Takuto and Kirino Ranmaru from the Raimon matches. I only watched them because my brother wanted to watch every single one of them though.

They're both players which shouldn't be underestimated. But I doubt they're as good as I am. This match is going to be good probably.

Noone's PoV:
After Calton had warmed up, everyone got into position and the whistle signalized the begin of the match.

Calton's forward got past InaHigh's one without any struggles but was quickly stopped by Tenma who snatched the ball from him with his excellent dribbling skills. He  passed over to Hikaru who ran across the field very fast.

But Hikaru wasn't the only one who was blessed with an incredible speed.
The Calton player all knew how to make use of their speed very well. They had clearly been practicing without break and were perfectly lead by their captain Shindou Takuto. He knew where and when to pass and with just about half of the InaHigh's team knowing more than the basics of soccer they were clearly having a disadvantage. The team was coordinated poorly, was naturally low on stamina and lacking in hissatsu techniques.

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