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The next morning
Tenma's PoV:
So now that I'll have that sleepover I should let the others know. Like my aunt Aki and the other people that live in this house with us. Mr. Kogure for example.

I quickly ran downstairs to tell the news. I'm happy we're so open to receive people here even with short notice.

,,Good morning Aki nee! I chatted with my friends yesterday evening and we would like to have a sleepover here. Is that ok?"
I quickly grabbed my sandwich and buttoned up my school uniform as I was running just a tiny bit late.

,,That sounds like a nice idea. When do they want to come and how many people?"
,,Hmmm... I'm not quite sure actually. Some aren't sure yet if they can or not but they would come after our friendly match in two days."

Aki nee looked like she was deep in thoughts all of a sudden. I wonder why?

,,In two days hm? Well I'm sure it's gonna work somehow. I have a little surprise for you and the others that day." With a big smile she winked at me.

A surprise? What could it be??

,,But now you should really hurry so you can still get to school on time."

,,Shoot, so late already! See you later!"

I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and ran out of the house.

,,Bye Sasuke!"
With a quick glance I looked at the old, empty dog house. He was gone already but I'm sure his ghost still sits here in the yard just like he did all these years before. Enjoying the sun, napping and occassionally playing with his ball. I really miss Sasuke but he was old and slow when I was in Jr. High already so it had to happen sooner or later.
Just like with some of the residents. Now we have some free rooms again but saying goodbye is always sad.
But that's how life is unfortunately..

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