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Tsurugi's PoV :

It was school again. As always.
I've already decided to visit my brother after it and Tenma invited us over for the next weekend for a sleepover.
Not exactly too excited for it. Sleeping in a room with lots of people was never my thing but maybe I could find something interesting.

Flashbacks from the host party come back to me.
Tenma being seriously drunk, we having to bring him to a room after he threw up and passed out.
Obviously we had to change his clothes and I told the cleaners that I'll do it. Normally that doesn't happen, but I had to do it.
There was something I wanted to find..

And I did.

For me, that was the ultimate proof.
Nothing could change my mind now.
Tenma, is one of them.
One of the people..
"possessed" and able to do things that other can't.

Yes, Tenma is an angel.
Someone, whose life can fulfill a wish.

I'm don't know if he's aware or not, but I have my plan to find that out. A very simple one that won't even seem suspicious.

My mission to kill you - Angel's last step  [INAZUMA ELEVEN GO]Where stories live. Discover now