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Tsurugi's PoV:
It's the weekend.
Finally. Time to get some consultation or whatever.

I was on my way to my boss. We're going to talk about my first mission and what they found out. I'm already sure that I'm right but I have to be absolutely, 100% sure before I start anything.

Five minutes later I sat infront of him and his agents.

,,It took us a while to find something, but we were successful. Your speculations were right. Do you want to take on this mission?"

,,Yes, Sir."

,,Be careful not to get attached. A lot of missions failed because of it already."

,,I know.. I've heard of them."

,,Good. I'm sure your reason is enough to make it a successful mission. Remember what you went through to get here. Keep it up."

,,I'll do my best.."

,,And maybe it would help you..."
The man turned around to a screen where a picture of the winner of the famous Holy Road tournament could be seen.
The Raimon team smiling brightly for their victory and success.
,,..to remember WHO was actually responsible."

I wasn't too happy to be involved in a sketchy thing like this AGAIN.
Back in Jr. High I was a seed. Part of Fifth Sector. An organisation that wanted to make soccer fair and accessible for everyone as long as they did as they were told by Fifth Sector. The idea was nice. The way they made it work horrible.

I trained under them, was one of their strongest agents, got my keshin and destroyed every soccer team that came in my way.
My only reason was... my brother.

My brother was my everything. I would visit him weekly and we talked for hours. In our childhood, we always played soccer together and imitated our idol Gouenji Shuuya. But then he had an accident because of me which made him unable to use his legs. He was forced to live in a wheelchair, no more soccer and always in a hospital. For years. Back in my first year, the Raimon team planned a revolution to take down Fifth Sector and they were successful. The money I was promised for my brother was gone. As well as the people who I was told would help me. All because of those stupid Raimon players and Matsukaze Tenma who started the revolution in a way.

After losing everything, I fell into darkness.
But then someone came to me. Gouenji Shuuya. He told me he would pay everything.
My family, including my brother and me, couldn't believe it. We were so happy.
And after the surgery, my brother started practicing walking again. Finally there was some progress. Slowly he was able to walk again and soon the wheelchair wasn't needed anymore. Instead they gave him crutches.

My brother was on the best way of healing.
Soon he didn't need the crutches anymore.

But then...

,,I'm sorry but.. your brother had a serious accident and he hasn't woken up since. An ambulance, called by a family, brought him here. They explained that their sons were playing soccer in the park but one accidently shot it too high and it landed in the tree.
Your brother saw it and offered to help as he saw that the younger one wanted to climb up to get it.
Yuuichi stopped him and climbed up instead. He got the ball and threw it down but then he lots balance as his legs weaked and he fell head first onto the ground..
Tsurugi.. your brother is in a coma."
Flashback end

That day was one of the worst in my life.
Yuuichi, my brother, had always been kind, friendly and caring. He never deserved anything of what happened to him.
When he saw those children, he must have thought of us back then and how it ended for us..

It's been a good year now.
The doctors said only a wonder could help him now and that's exactly what I'm onto.

My current agency or organisation contacted me after they somehow heard of the story. They explained everything to me and I quickly got trained.
In the end I'm still a beginner since this will be my first, and maybe last mission, but I'm  doing it as long as it can save my brother.

And for him I would do it again and again..

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