Masaru Nori (part 2)

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(Still Masaru's pov)

My grandma listened. She didn't make any surprised, scared or worried facial expressions. It was just us sitting there talking and listening.
Her face wasn't blank, bored or annoyed. It was calm and friendly. Open to everything.

She let me explain without ever saying a word in between. What she told me afterwards, hit me hard.

,,I'm a reader too, my dear child. I know what you're going through. Grandma has been there too."


She nodded.

From that day on, my grandma has been most supportive. She's been my guide her house my safe zone. I finally felt like I belong somewhere. Like it's alright to stay and even felt wanted. It felt good!

But there were other dark days in my life too.
When I entered Jr. High, I found just a few friends over the years. Still better than nothing. At my third year, the rumour started to go viral. It made me nervous knowing that I'm already well aware and informed of it. As a part of the whole thing.
A company came to me. They offered me a good amount of money, if I would work together with them. They said that they are working for the protection of angels and still need some readers. So I found the hunters and the man told me they would help them resolve their issues. Little did I know that they actually hired them. Instead of working for the good, I was lied to and worked within the evil. It took me half a year to realize. How did I do it? One of my friends was killed by a hunter they had hired. It was another traumatizing event in my life.
I immediately left and almost failed my exams because of the bad feeling I had.
I felt used once again. Felt like I had helped to kill others and I felt stupid. My mind was foggy and somehow blank for a while.
It took me a bit to get back to reality.
My grandma helped me overcome what haf happened. Told me that it wasn't my fault since I was tricked and had no clue but I couldn't help but feel bad.

Then we had summer holidays for several weeks and I entered Jr. High. So here I am now.

My lack of trust and socialism comes from my past. That's why I don't like being around others. You never know what will happen. Sometimes you can't tell what vile plans they have.
Even if I can read them, I don't like being around many.

In my summer holidays people even made fun of me.
Since I get nervous around others I start to stutter. Some find that weird or amusing.
It's not. It's really not.

I'm lonely but I enjoy it quite a bit.
I still have the option to make friends and otherwise I have nature and the animals.
It's not that bad.
My job is to warn others for potential danger. That's what I do, without getting paid, simply because I can help others and I want to make up for what I did in the past.

Maybe one day, I can forgive myself.

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