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Tenma's PoV:
I woke up dazed and feeling heavy.
My head felt like it could explode any minute. Did I catch a cold?..
Still tired I tried to open my eyes and look around me.
This isn't my room..

,,Finally awake?" a familiar voice asked.
I sat up grunting while trying to identify the person that was leaning on the doorframe.

,,Tsurugi? What on earth happened?.. Why am I here?"

,,Sheesh. Total blackout. I invited you and the others to a private party at the host club, remember?"

,,Ah that.."

,,We partied a bit yesterday and you may have had one or two drinks too much. Sorry. My fault. I should have payed more attention."

,,That's the longest I've ever heard you talk.."

,,Guess so." Tsurugi smirked a bit.

I tried my best to sit up but when I did the blanket feel off and my bare chest was revealed.
,,Huh?"  It took me a bit to process. ,,WHERE IS MY SHIRT?!?"
Panicking I searched for it.

,,Call down. We just washed it so you don't have to go home in a smelly shirt. Wouldn't want to be sleeping with that alcohol smell."

,,Oh! Thanks Tsurugi!"

,,Yea whatever."
,,Kariya and Hikaru are in the next room and Aoi is in the room infront. Wake the others and just leave or something. We don't offer breakfast. I only let y'all sleep here because it was partly my fault that y'all got so drunk. Your clothes are in the bathroom next door." he said not really caring and turned around to leave.

,,Then what are these rooms for??"

And with that, the door closed and my friend left me dumbfounded.

Tsurugi's PoV:
I was walking down the stairs, grinning inside. The mission had finally begun and I had enough evidence.

Yesterday was quite an eventful day.

,,Tenma, careful." Aoi said as she grab her boyfriends arm to stabilize him. The light brown haired boy was already wobbling around, laughing about everything he heard and saw.

Hikaru came to help as well while Kariya stood at the counter where I was preparing new drinks.
,,How many did he have again?" He found the scene infront of him obviously amusing.
,,2 tequila sunshines, a lime-grape mojito, 2 shots of vodka, one rainbow cocktail, 2 grasshopper (not the insects!), an irish coffee, a cubra libre, a gin fizz, a gin and tonic aaaand.."

I put the 6 oz. cocktail glass and he drank it in one go before anyone could stop him.
,,A corpse reviver."

That's right. Drink up.

,,Quite impressive that he can still stand."

,,He's gonna throw up in a few minutes for sure."

,,Ok, Tenma. That was enough alcohol for you." the girl's voice was strict but also noticeably worried.

,,NooOo.. I'm *hicc* fIiiNeeE!"
Aoi brought him over to the sitting area and carefully pushed him down. ,,Drink this."
She handed him a water bottle and he sulked. ,,Water boriiing."
,,I wish Shinsuke wouldn't have left so early. We need him here."

While Hikaru and Aoi tried their best sitting far away from the counter with their drunk friend, Kariya and I got to a more interesting topic.

,,So it got accepted? It's officially a mission  now? You're a hunter?" the sneaky male asked skillfully spinning the beverage in his hand.
,,Congrats. Welcome to the team, haha."
,,Yea. Thanks I guess."
It was silent for a few minutes. There seemed to be something that he wanted to talk about but for once Kariya seemed unsure whether to open his mouth or not.

But then he spoke up.
,,You know.. I heard of the story with your  brother. I can understand. We're both doing this for family related reasons after all."

I looked at the beverages infront of me.
A cup filled with a bit of beer. The light brown liquid.. so light and adored by so many. But also so easy to influence. To corrupt.
I filled another cup with ice. Cold like a dead soul. Some sugar-vanilla syrup for the sweetness, 1 slice of blood orange, 1 slice of lemon and 1 slice of orange for the outstanding colour. Next up were 45ml of vodka and a nice shot of blue curacao. A squeeze of lemon juice for the sourness of life. Then I stirred it as I took the secret ingredient to bring this mixture to life and finish this task. The beer. I poured it all in without hesitation and stirred once more. The blue colour darkened. The blue was more prominent. It devoured the beer, yet the only thing that stood out were the citrus slices as they were pressed against the sides of the glass, not mixing with the drink yet.
For the pain, I placed some wasabi nuts into a tiny side dish bowl and ready was my creation.
This was my way to congratulate me for getting my mission accepted and heading one step further to success. To my desire, my goal.


My mission to kill you - Angel's last step  [INAZUMA ELEVEN GO]Where stories live. Discover now