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Noone's PoV:

Hikaru: ,,Aoi and Tenma! Over here!"
Kariya: ,,Was about time you two showed up."
The sneaky one smirked teasingly.
His teal coloured hair was tied in a low ponytail. Sometimes he liked to do that.

Aoi: Sorry. Tenma just woke up and he's not feeling so well.
Kariya: Not surprising.
Tenma: I got drugs.
Hikaru: You got what?!
Tenma: Drug-
Aoi: Painkillers for his headache.

Tenma: Some random guy just approached us and said that you were doing some sexual stuff yesterday
Hikaru: WHAAAAT?!
Kariya: *laughs*

Aoi: What happened?
Hikaru's face was red like a tomato and Kariya was holding his stomach already.

Hikaru: I-I-it's not wh-what it seems li-like!!
Kariya: He must have heard us lmaooo
Aoi: Heard you?
Tenma: Doing what?
Hikaru: We only had a pillow fight! Kariya started it!
Kariya: Almost killed Hikaru but of course I would never actually do that

Hikaru: I'm more than glad you didn't.
Aoi: So it was all just a misunderstanding?
Hikaru: Absolutely!

???: Happens.

We all turned around as we heard a familiar voice.

Tenma, Aoi, Hikaru: Minamisawa?!

Minamisawa: Yo. Long time no see.

Hikaru: What are you doing here?

Someone walked over to join their conversation.

Tsurugi: He's a regular host here.
One of our costumers favourites.

Minamisawa: I earn a ton of money here. I could pay my taxes twice a month, haha.

Aoi: That much?!

Tenma: Do you earn that much too, Tsurugi?

Tsurugi: Hell nah. I might be popular but not as popular as Minamisawa. He's better with the flirting and usually spends time with the costumers privately or sitting and drinking, instead of mixing drinks like I do.

Minamisawa: Our costumers want attention, a fun time and some drinks. That's why they prefer the hosts that spend time with them without being occupied with other things. They all go after looks as well.

The first rank host did his iconic hairflip, that he's been doing since Jr. High already.

Minamisawa: Not like Tsurugi is not attractive, but you know what I mean.

Tsurugi: And once a costumer has found their favorite host, they spend most of their time and money on them.
We have champagne towers for birthday events that the costumers can buy or just really rare alcoholic drinks.

Minamisawa: You obviously gotta pay high prices for that.
Most people that go to host clubs could probably swim in their money. Or just like to spend everything they earned on us and the fun of getting drunk.

Minamisawa: Wait... What are you guys doing here anyways?! Aren't you too young to drink? 

Hikaru: Tsurugi invited us privately.

Minamisawa: Damn. You guys are lucky.

Tsurugi: They didn't drink that much. Except for Tenma.

Minamisawa: By the way, that day when you weren't working we had a champagne call.
A big grin appearing on the flirty boy's face.

Tenma: A call??

Tsurugi: Sick.

Kariya: I think I heard of it.

Hikaru: Really?!

Kariya: Yea but it's hecking expensive. Cheap ones are around 800$.

Minamisawa: Ours are way more expensive.

Tenma: What is a champagne call??

Tsurugi: Don't need to know.

Kariya: Maybe I'll explain it to you another day.

Tsurugi: I have to clean up with the others now. See y'all in school.

The group said their goodbyes and left.
It was a long and exhausting night after all.

Minamisawa: So you finally found some friends? ~

Tsurugi: They're not my friends.

Minamisawa: Pff. Sure. Whatever you say, lonely wolf.

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