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(Today isn't the usual update day and I haven't update much recently. I've been busy and got sick so writing has been a bit tough. Here is a new chapter!)

Noone's PoV:

Right after Aoi and Hikaru had left/
at the group..

Shinsuke: I wonder what they're talking about..
Kariya: Maybe he wants to confess to her hehe
Tenma: Confess?
Shinsuke: Ah that's right! Kariya doesn't know!
Kariya: Know what?
Tenma: Aoi and I are dating.

The light brown haired boy scratched the back of his head awkwardly laughing. He was a bit worried secretly.

Tsurugi: When did you start?
Tenma: After graduation. We were nervous and had recently realized our feelings and we didn't want to lose the other after graduating.
Kariya: The feelings that had probably been there since years already pfff

Tenma punched the mischievous boy lightly on the arm.
Tenma: It wasn't that easy, you know..
A red colour appeared on his cheeks
Kariya: Hehe
Shinsuke: I wouldn't be teasing him about it, if I were you

Shinsuke grinned as he had something on his mind

Kariya: Oh yea? Why not?
The blue-ish haired guy smirked.

Shinsuke: You're not very cool with confessions either if I remember correctly
Kariya: Shush!
Tenma: True! I remember it!
Kariya: You remember nothing.

A clack sound was heard from the side as Tsurugi closed his lunchbox.
Tsurugi: Let me in on it
He smirked.

Kariya: Not you too!

Shinsuke: Well it was like that...

,,U-uhm.. Masaki kun?"
,,Hm?" The boy with shoulder long blueish hair turned around. He was a 2nd year and infront of him stood a girl, stammering and obviously nervous.
,,Ah it's you, Rina. How can I help you?" He smiled his overly friendly, but faked, smile.
His eyes big and round, looking so innocent.
,,W-Well.. to tell the truth I am.. I've been a fan of you every since I saw you play. I uhm.. I think you're really skilled, cool and funny and I would.. I would like you to accept this gift!"
She bowed down and held a bag infront of him. A few students had gathered as they saw the confession. Some were his friends from the soccer team.
,,It's homemade chocolate. I really hope you like it. M-maybe we could.. exchange numbers as well?" Her reddened face was facing the ground.
The boy on the other hand looked at the bag still processing what just happened. He got all flustered as he realized he had just gotten confessed to indirectly."
There was a chuckle in the crowd. A boy with pink hair and twintails was smirking, knowing that for once, he had something he could tease his younger, annoying, friend with.

Flashback end

Shinsuke started to laugh.
Shinsuke: Back then, his face got so red I thought it was a tomato cosplaying as Kariya!
Tenma joined him.
Tenma: He started stuttering out of nervousness and didn't know what to do at all xD
Kariya: Stop laughing!
Kariya's cheeks were burning in embarrassment but the stories weren't over.

Tsurugi: Did you accept the gift?
Kariya: What was I supposed to do? Reject her infront of all those people?
Shinsuke: Kariya may pull pranks often but he still cares about the people around him dearly. He just doesn't want to show it.
Tsurugi: Is that so
Tenma: A real tsundere!
Kariya: Shut up..
Shinsuke: Look at him pout haha

At that moment, Aoi and Hikaru came back.

Aoi: Hey everyone! What's all the noise about? You look like you're having fun.

Tenma: We're spilling embarrassed Kariya moments

Shinsuke: Like that time when he got his first confessing back at Raimon, 2nd year.

Aoi: I remember that!

Hikaru: I'm sorry in advance, Kariya
A giggle escaped Hikaru's mouth before he continued talking.
Hikaru: Do you all remember the school festival in our first year?
Kariya: Hikaru, don't-
Hikaru: The girls squealed over Kariya with the cat ears. They didn't want to leave him alone.
Aoi: He did look cute with them
Tenma: He never told them that he was annoyed though.
Shinsuke: Annoyed and very embarrassed.

Kariya mumbled under his breath
Kariya: They patted my head..
The boy started to get redder by the second.

Aoi: I remember when the teacher made Kariya solve a question and he had been so spaced out that he had no clue what to say.

Shinsuke: He was even on the wrong page.

Tenma: The teacher scolded him pretty badly.

Kariya: It was only that day! Y'all couldn't solve it either!

Tsurugi: Break is about to be over.

Tenma: Oh you're right! Let's go inside.

Hikaru and Kariya went into a different direction and they said goodbye for now.
They'll see their friends at practice after school anyways.

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