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,,Don't you think I would make a nice captain, brother? I shall become the shining leader of the InaVersity soccer club!"

,,Have you ever been a leader before?"

,,Of course! Back in elementary school I was the pride of the theater club! Did you forget already?!"

,,No, I haven't. I remember your school plays very well. You didn't really follow the script though. As a captain, you can't do solo plays. You have to work with everyone and consider every detail."

,,Hmm..... I've reconsidered! I don't want to be the team captain anymore!"

The older brother couldn't help but chuckle lightly.
,,I see."

,,Look at me, brother! Someone like me isn't cut out to play with others. I have to shine on my own. Otherwise it would be a waste of my beauty! I was born to be a defender so that I can shine the brightest on my own after saving everyone from a possible goal.
The only person I can work with as a duo is you. You're the exception and I won't except anyone else!"

,,That's nice, but it won't work all the time. One day you'll realize that you can't do everything on your own.."

Someone walked over to the door as the younger brother watched him.

,,..And you'll see that it's ok to rely on others."

And then the person left.
Walking through the enormous halls of the mansion that's built outside of the Inazuma city.
The way to school is long but their chauffeur is reliable and the fancy car fast.
Outside of the city, the have more than enough space, more than enough time and more than enough loneliness and boredom.

But who are they?

My mission to kill you - Angel's last step  [INAZUMA ELEVEN GO]Where stories live. Discover now