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Monday at practice :

Coach Kudou: Start with 6 laps around the field and then practice passing.
We'll continue after that!

After running the members started dividing into groups and practicing passing.

Tenma's PoV:

Unfortunately the coach planned the groups beforehand so I wasn't able to play with all of my friends.
In my group were Nano, our female striker, Takashima and Tanigawa, our twin midfielders and Aoki, a defender.

At first everything went well, but then Takashima and Tanigawa didn't pass to us anymore. They were playing on their own.

Aoki seemed hesitant to approach them, so Nano stepped in.

Nano: Hey, you two! We're a group, pass the ball! This isn't how we should play.

,,Yes, we are supposed to practice together.."

They stopped and looked over to us with a grin.

Tanigawa: Taka, you heard them? They want the ball, should we share?

Takashima: Oh come on, Tani. How is mere passing going to help us. The coach should give us better tasks. Come and get the ball if you want it!.. Beginners~

Nano: Hey! I'm not a beginner!
The small girl, which I know is also a first year, run to get the ball, but was easily dodged.

Nano: No way!

The twins playfully passed the ball between them. They were clearly enjoying teasing us.
Tanigawa: Come on! You can't tell us that you like the coach.
Takashima: And trust his dumb training ideas!

Aoki tried as well now but of course it didn't work out either.

,,You shouldn't talk about people you barely know like that!"
But they just kept grinning. There was no way we could talk this out.

,,We need to work together. Attack them as a team of 3. Otherwise it's not gonna work."
Speaking like that made me remember the time when I became captain for Raimon.
I had a tough time adjusting to the position but with some motivation and my friends around me, I was able to do fairly well after time.

Takashima: Well, try it then
He winked provokingly and we started attacking them.
As they were busy trying to dodge, pass and keep the ball to themselves, they didn't notice how we were slowly encircling them. Aoki tackled them and slide right past, finally getting the ball back.

,,We got it! Good job, Aoki!"

The brown haired, fawn looking boy smiled shyly. ,,Thank you."

Takashima: Hey, Coach! Did you see that?!

Coach: Indeed. Good job you two.

Nano: Coach! They were mean! Why are you praising them?

Tanigawa: Don't be so angry, nanometer.

Nano: I may be small but not that small!

Takashima: Coach?
The male twin open his hand, seemingly awaiting something.

Kudou just sighed in reply.
Coach Kudou: Yes, yes I know.
10 for each of you.

And with those words he slipped 2 bills into the players hand.
Tanigawa, the female twin, immediately took hers.

Tanigawa: Better secure this before you come up with any stupid ideas.

Did our coach.. bribe teammembers?! Or did he get bribed?...

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