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The entrance ceremony was over and the students gathered at the board with the list of classes. Some seemed happy and excited, others just disappointed. Along the way you'll make new friends and lose sight of others. Slowly everyone found their new classroom and searched for a seat. The navy blue haired guy sat in the back row at the left corner. In the middle of the 2nd row already sat 2 other students. A girl with blue hair and a boy with light brown hair. Infront of them, in the first row, sits another brunette the size of an elementary school student. They seemed to know eachother as they chatted happily and laughed together. The light brown haired guy looked around and his eyes met an orange pair. Yet the contact broke fast as one looked away.

Tsurugi's POV

I hope he leaves me alone..
But with my luck, of course he didn't.
Why did he have to look over, urgh.

,,Hey there! You seem lonely. Don't you want to sit with us? My name is Matsukaze Tenma! Nice to meet you... uuhh.. sorry what's your name?" The boy with the light brown hair, named Tenma, smiled while he scratched his head.

Do I have to tell him?.. Whatever..
,,Tsurugi Kyousuke."

,,Nice to meet you Tsurugi! Have you decided for a club yet?" ,,Soccer club." ,,I'm joining too! That's great! My friend Shinsuke over there will join as well and maybe my girlfriend too! Her name is Aoi and we 3 were students at Raimon. Did you see the famous Holy Road tournament that happened a few years ago? The one that stopped Fifth Sector? We were there too! Haha that was really exciting. Back then we were first years and our team won but if you like soccer than you might know that already."
Does he ever stop talking?
,,I've been playing soccer since childhood! What about you?" ,,Yea, me too." ,,I bet you're really good! Wanna eat lunch with us later? We could-"
A clap interrupted his speech. Finally!

,,That's enough talking everyone! Sit down please! We're about to start."
Tenma waved smiling and sat back down.
Something tells me it will be hard to be alone with him around.

The teacher got out a book to look up the names. ,,I want each of you to introduce yourself. Stand up, say a few things and then the next one. We'll start from the back!

My lucky day..
So I stood up as everyone starred at me.
,,The name's Tsurugi Kyousuke. I'm 17 years old and.. yea. Nice to meet ya."

(Only important ones will be named)

,,I'm Sorano Aoi. 16 years old. I hope we all get along well and spend some fun years together." A bright smile appeared on the girls face.

I don't think she's one.

,,My name is Nishizono Shinsuke! 16 as well. I'm happy to be here!"

Neither is he.

,,Hello! I'm Matsukaze Tenma! 16 and I love soccer! Let's become friends!"
Some people sweatdropped at Tenma's words. I'm not sure if it's just pure enthusiasm or if he's just really naive.

Tenma, huh? Now that I think about.. it's gotta be written like THAT, right? It would be the most logical way probably. Coincidence or not though? I'll be watching your every step then I guess. Until it's clear.

So the lesson went on and we were told what to expect and get for the start of the year as well as paying some extra costs that came up.

Lunch time🎶

Somehow I got involved with the trio. So now we're sitting in the cafeteria. While the 3 were talking, I munched on my sandwich.
,,Tenma, Shinsuke! Did you hear? Kariya and Hikaru are here too. They seem to be in  the classroom at the end of the hallway." Kariya?! THAT Kariya?! ,,Kariya and Hikaru? From our soccer team back at Raimon? For real?!"

Yea.. I would like to know too.

,,Maybe they will join the club again this year too! Then we can all play again together!" Shinsuke seemed excited.

,,That would be so cool!" Not many people from Raimon enrolled into this highschool after all. I miss them all already."

,,Let's all go to the club together later to sign up." Aoi recommended and the others agreed.

,,Are you coming too, Tsurugi?" ,,I guess yea." ,,Great!"

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