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Noone's PoV:

3 days ago..
,,I would like you to check a boy named Matsukaze Tenma. Text me everything you find once you do."

,,Got it."

Now, 4 days after the entrance exam..
Infront of the gate, in the shadow of some trees, stand 2 boys having a talk..
It's early in the morning and not many students arrived so far.

,,It's your first time, right?"
,,Yep. Same for you though as far as I know."
,,Could be."
,,Nope. Don't really care. You?"
,,Well it's definitely not going to be easy.
,,Makes sense."
,,Can't be helped. We have our reasons."
(No they're not making out!)

Before class..

6 people are clustered around a desk. Tenma's desk. They're Aoi, Tenma, Shinsuke, Tsurugi, Hikaru and Kariya.

Kariya's PoV :
,,Hey Hikaru. Class is about to start. We should probably head to our classroom."

,,Too bad that we're not in the same class." Shinsuke sulked.

,,True.. But Kariya is right. We're going to see you in the break and at practice then!"
Hikaru and I waved shortly and left the classroom.

Math now..

Hikaru's PoV:
We both sat down at our desks and got out our supplies.
Suddenly a note fell out from under my desk.
Huh? What's this??

You're in danger. Not all your friends are trustworthy. Be careful.

What? In danger? I've been together with my friends since Jr. high, nothing bad ever happened!
Well except for.. except for Tsurugi. We barely know him and he seems a bit hard to connect with as well. He's always standing alone, his sentences are short, his appearance rough and he looks quite scary..

However he's definitely popular with the girls. His soccer skills are already a topic in school and girls seem to have a thing for bad boys. Tsurugi on the other one tries to stay away from his fangirls as much as possible as they annoy him but that doesn't seem to make him less attractive to them. Rather the opposite..

Back to the paper!
It wasn't signed or anything so I'm not sure who slipped it under my desk.
It could have been anyone.

Lesson started and I had to concentrate on calculations and stuff but it appeared to be harder than I thought.

Just who is my mysterious messenger?
What did they mean by danger.
What about my friends?

I'm not sure if I should tell them about what happened. Maybe Kariya?? Or Shinsuke and Tenma? Or Aoi? Surely Aoi would be fine!
She's really nice. I can't imagine her to do or plan something bad.
It's settled then! I'll talk to Aoi to get matters of my chest!

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