Truth or dare

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It was dark outside, the friends had just finished eating and were sitting in Tenma's room. Later they would go into the rooms they had been sorted into along with a partner. For now they were chatting, playing some games and laughing like all friends. Tsurugi was fairly quiet of course but he joined the activities anyways. Right now they were playing the spin the bottle game. Basically truth or dare.
I'm sure you know the game.

,,We should have played the king game." the teal haired of the group said lazily as he was holding his arms behind his back relaxingly.

Kirino responded to him:,, You're exactly the reason why we're not playing it. I don't even want to imagine the kind of ideas you would come up with."
,,Oh come on. How much of a possibility is there that I'll be the king for most rounds."
,,No matter how low the number is, it's still to high. Focus in the game, Kariya."
,,Haha, you're still no fun." Kariya replied grinning to his older, pink haired friend.

,,We'll see about that." with those words Kirino spinned the bottle and everyone got ready to be picked.

It landed on Shindou who immediately picked truth.
,,Well.." His best friend grinned teasingly in response. ,,Tenma and Aoi aren't the only ones who started dating. How about you tell them about your new girlfriend, hm?~"
A sigh escaped the wavy haired guy's lips as he knew exactly that this would come."

Shinsuke: Ehh?! Shindou got a girlfriend?!
Kariya: Nothing surprising if you ask me.
Hikaru: Yes, he was always very popular among the students. He was even loved by teachers! Not romantically of course but still. Everyone seemed to like Shindou. I bet it's the same now in high school too.

Aoi: *whispers* Could it be..
Tenma: We wanna know! Come on, Shindou ^^
Shindou: Alright, alright. Well, y'all know her already. It's Akane.
Aoi clapped her hands happily.
Aoi: Was about time! She admired you since so long and as her friend I was hoping her longtime crush would finally give her a chance. I'm so happy for her ^^

Kariya: Is she still as crazy for you as she was back then? I bet she has dozens of albums full of pictures with you.
Shindou: Well.. kinda yes. But she also has a lot of pictures from other Raimon members or from matches. So it's not like that.

Kirino scoffed. ,,Yea sure. You just happen to be on every single one of them."

Shindou: I guess that happens
Everyone: ^^"
Kirino: I mean, judging from the stories I've heard, she sure is crazy for you. You two better watch out.

Shinsuke, Hikaru and Tenma: ???
Aoi: •\\\\\\•
Kariya: *smirks/grins*
Tsurugi: 👀

Shindou: Anyways! My turn.

The bottle circled for a while until it finally stopped in it's tracks and landed on.... Shinsuke!

Shinsuke: Wah! Me?!
Shindou: Truth or dare?
Shinsuke: Hmmm... Truth I guess.
Shindou: As you can play on two positions, if you had to stop playing one forever, which would it be?

Tenma: That's a pretty tough question
Shinsuke: I think I know the answer already. Definitely defender! I was able to grow by being a goalkeeper and learned to see the play from a different perspective. I have a lot more weight in my shoulders as a keeper but I'll.. gladly keep it ;)

Hikaru: What a pun
Kariya: Pretty lame
Shinsuke: How about you come up with one? Your hissatsu names aren't any better.
Kariya: Tch!

Shinsuke spinned the bottle and everyone watched as it stopped on Tsurugi.

Tsurugi:.. Dare.
Kariya: *whistles* 👀 Finally someone who isn't too afraid to do it.
Shinsuke: Hmmm.. Then uhh.. I dare you to introduce yourself to Kirino and Shindou.
Kariya: Seriously?! What a boring dare.
Shindou: It's not a bad idea though. We don't know him yet at all.
Tsurugi: Ok. I'm Tsurugi Kyousuke. 1st year at InaHigh, 18. I have an older brother, currently living with my parents and I like dark stuff. Not very talkative either. My position is striker, number is 10 and yea. That's it I guess. Nice to meet you.
Tenma: You got an older brother? Coool! Does he like soccer too? Maybe he can come over for pratice some day!
Tsurugi: Mhm *spins the bottle*
Tsurugi: Truth or dare, Sorano?
Aoi: Just call me Aoi like everyone else. No problem.
Tsurugi: K.
Aoi: I'll go for... truth.
Tsurugi: You still a virgin?

Everyone: O_O

Aoi: U-uhm.. w-well.. I- I guess I am.
Tenma and Aoi: *embarrassed*
Tsurugi: Cool.

Aoi: *spins the bottle while blushing madly*
Aoi: T-truth or dare, Shindou?
Shindou: I'll go for dare this time.
Aoi: Then.. call Akane and tell her you love her.

Hikaru: Cute ^^
Shindou: *calls Akane*
Kariya: Put her on speaker. We gotta hear. It's proof that you're actually calling her.

And so the phone was put on speaker and Akane got on the call.

Shindou: Oh hey Akane. Uhm.. I just wanted to say that.. I love you. Hope you sleep well later.
,,Takuto.." You could hear Akane melting on the phone. ,,That's so sweet of you. I love you too. Rest well please."
Shindou: I'll do that. I'm with friends right now so I gotta end the call now.
,,No problem. Stay safe my love❤️"
Shindou: You too. See you tomorrow.
,,Bye bye ^^"

A beep signalized the end of the call and everyone except for Tsurugi couldn't help but awww.

Even Shindou started blushing.
Shindou:,, L-Let's just continue!"

They group kept playing for a while until they all got sleepy and decided to go to bed.

They split up into pairs, as they had been sorted into the rooms, and got ready for the night.

Tsurugi was in the hallway near Tenma's bathroom. He only acted like he was lost which Tenma, who had just come out of the bath shirtless, easily believed as it was his first time here.

,,What's that on your back btw?" The navy blue haired boy asked.
,,Hm? The scars??" Tenma wondered trying to look over his shoulders and onto the back.

,,I don't know how I got it but I think it might have been from the time when I was a child and saved Sasuke. He was stuck between some wooden panels and I helped him out but then the panels fell and hit my back. (This was from when Alpha "corrected" the timeline. In this one, it never got fixed.)
It was quite painful and looked really bad but luckily I was taken to the hospital immediately and the doctors saved me."
,,So that's how you got them?"
,,As I said, I'm not sure. It's only a guess. I don't really know either. Better go back to my room now. Aoi is probably waiting for me. Sleep well Tsurugi!"
,,You too, thanks."

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