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Tenma's PoV :
Finally! School is done and that means it's time to join a club! Therefore I quickly put all my supplies in my bag and jogged on the spot waiting for my friends.
Other students seem to be on the run to join their desired club already as well.

,,Come on, guys! We gotta hurry. What if they don't accept us because too many other students already joined?"

,,I think there is always space for soccer players." Aoi, my now girlfriend, said chuckling.

,, Shinsuke you ready?"
,, All set, Tenma!"

And with that we ran out of the door.
,,Hey! Wait up!" I heard Aoi. ,,I'm sorry but we really gotta hurry! I'll make it up to you, angel!"

,,I told you not to call me that in public!"

,,Sorry! Muffin!"

Tsurugi's PoV

,,He calls you angel ?" I looked over to Aoi who was now walking beside me with some slight distance.
She just sighed in response.

,,I'm fine with it when we're alone but in public it's a bit embarrassing. We always get weird looks when he calls me that because... well.. you know.. "

,,The rumour?"

She nodded.

,,Do you believe them?" I asked curious.

,,I'm not sure. It's seems a bit crazy but then again.. I've witnessed weirder things back at Raimon to be honest."

,,I see. And Tenma? Surely there has to be a reason he chose that name for you."

,,He doesn't seem to believe it. The topic is over fairly quickly whenever it starts.
According to him, he chose the name because my name is Sorano Aoi. Translated that would mean something like : Sky's blue. The blue of the sky. And since it's connected to the sky, he chose to call me angel every now and then."

,,I know this is a weird request but.. can you tell me how Tenma's name is written?"

,,Huh? Yea sure. It's this:"
She wrote it down and showed it to me.
The paper showed :


I laughed a bit inside. Very interesting.

,,Ah ok. Thanks."

,,No problem!" Sorano's smile is friendly.

If what I think is true, she will suffer.
Deep down I feel a bit sorry but life was never fair and when it gets serious.. we all fight for ourselves alone.

Finally we reached the club room where Matsukaze and Nishizono were already standing infront of a tall man together with a few other students. We joined them and I immediately realized who the man actually is.

My mission to kill you - Angel's last step  [INAZUMA ELEVEN GO]Where stories live. Discover now