Announcement + Random Chapter

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Hello! Aegirine here!

Ettou, I posted this so that I can inform you that I'll be attending some advance classes from now on. And, right after that is a new semester at school. Haha. XD (School sucks.. T-T)

I'll be busy for school then. I just had my brain 'spaghettied' a while ago from Differential Calculus and College Physics. Did I say that it's just an introduction? Urrrrghh. Anyone reading this and is good at those, please help meeeee. T-T

So, for now, I'll just apologize for updating slow in future. Arigatou for reading~ :)


Random Chapter

"You will be taking care of the Akashi's heir from now on."

Nijimura looked at his father with blunt eyes. He is six years old at that time, but had a huge task on his shoulders. He was raised to be mature in a young age, with no one to support his child self, leaving him stuck in being a man at a very young age.

"Yes, father." He trailed off.

"Your luggage are already prepared. You will leave the house tonight." He just stared blankly at a blank space. "Your mother and I will be very pleased of you."

Don't talk as if you cared. He thought in his mind.

"You will be attending your school, as usual. Your schedule will be home-school-home. No arcades and hang-outs."

"That damn old man!" He threw his pillows away, throwing himself on his bed and screamed while his mouth is buried. He sighed and shifted himself and looked at the ceiling. He closed his eyes as tears fell down to his cheeks.

He hated his life. He never had the chance to play. He never had the chance to enjoy. He never had the chance to love and be loved. He never had the chance to gain freedom. Everyone expects from him. He only had himself.

Since I'll be leaving tonight, I guess I'll do what I want to do.. He took out a colorful cube that was hidden below his cabinet's secret drawer. He smiled as he looked at it. He twisted it, trying to match the colors in one side. He swiftly his it when someone knocked from the door.

"Young master, the car is ready."

"I thought I'll leave tonight?" He asked, not opening the door.

"U-uh.. T-the mistress.."

So that's how it is.. He smirked and stood up from his bed, hiding the cube on his pocket. "Okay. I'll just prepare myself. Wait for me outside."

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