Chapter 14

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In a dim lit room in the mansion of the Akashi, a certain teal head lady sat quietly at the corner of her bed. She let out a small sigh and threw herself to her bed, as she gazes at the blazer that is on her hands.

Kuroko stared at it with a lot of things running in her mind. When you're about to think that he's cold.. He suddenly changes to being sweet.. She sighed at herself again. Why did I love this person.. Or, is this feeling really called 'love'?

Now that she's thinking about it, everyone in the school called her the historian, the human library, the one who knows everything. But, now, about her mixed feelings, she doesn't know if she's in the right place to be called by that title.

Staring at the blazer of the redhead, a weird idea pops in her mind. Ah! Bakka! What are you thinking?! She thought to herself as she mentally slap herself. She knew that Akashi's ideal woman is a dignified one. If she ever did the idea that popped in her mind, she will be an undignified woman.

Biting her lip while blushing, she stared and stared at the blazer, trying to hold back from what she wanted to do. But, as a famous comedian said, 'Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.'

She sighed and stared at the blazer that she was holding-gripping, in exact way of saying it. After a second or two, she forcefully brought it on her chest, hugging it. She moved from side to side as she hug the poor, crumpled uniform in her arms. As she moves from left to right, her nose caught a scent. Seijuro-kun's scent..

She mentally slapped herself when another weird idea popped in her mind. Well, 'too' weird. I-I can't do that.. She said to herself. Eyes fixed on the ceiling; she fought herself inside her mind. In the end, she sighed and stared at the blazer again. Temptation is hard to resist, eh?

She placed the blazer near her nose and inhaled. Ah, Seijuro-kun's scent.. Mysteriously sweet yet too cool.. And it ran on her mind. The scent is great because Akashi is the one that uses it. After a second or two, she swiftly sat up with her eyes widen.

This is a disaster.. She thought to herself. Using a blazer as a proxy of Seijuro-kun.. Are you out of your mind, Tetsurin?! Since when did you become a pervert?! She wanted to hit herself. She then stared at a blank space while thoughts running on her mind.

"It won't be a disaster if no one saw me doing that a while ago.." She mumbled while spacing out. She sighed, fixed the blazer and placed it at her study table. She went back to her bed and threw herself at it. Without her noticing, her eyes shut down.



Kuroko glanced at a figure of a child. She couldn't see anything but it's black figure. She roamed her orbs around and found themselves sitting in a gazebo in a garden of roses. Everything is peaceful.

"Who.. Are you?" She asked. She was surprised when her voice sounded like a child. She averted her eyes to her hands, which are smaller than usual.

"Eh? You forgot?! Are you an idiot?! You are, huh!" The figure said. "Well, can't be helped! I will tell you my glorious name! My name is..."

The figure was clearly telling his name but weirdly, a light shone from the back of it. Her ears were also affected by a ringing sound coming out of nowhere. "W-wait! Can you please say it again?" She used her arm to cover her eyes from the growing light that consumed everything.

In a second, everything changed. The garden is in fire. Everything has the shade of orange, red, yellow, black and blue. The foul smell coming from the smoke made her choke. F-fire.. Fire.. Fire everywhere.. "Help! Please help me!"She roamed her eyes, asking for help. "A-anyone! Please!"

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