Chapter 17

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I'll be busy now. Evening classes starts at June 8! LOL. XD


"So, what do you think, Tetsurin?"

"It's obvious that you'll win, Seijuro-kun." She averted her eyes from the redhead.

Akashi smirked and rested his chin at the back of his palm while eyeing at the blunette. "You're underestimating yourself."

"Eh? Akashicchi, what do you mean-ssu?" Kise stared confusedly at the said person.

"Momoi, who is ranked one?" Midorima asked, glancing at her.

"Rank one.. K-kuroko Tetsurin.." Momoi said with wide eyes. "Akashi-kun is rank two." Her and everyone's gaze shifted to the teal head.

"Oi! Satsuki! Gimme that!" Aomine snatched the paper from the pinkette and stared at it in disbelief. "Woah. It's true. The hell? 0.01 average difference?"

"Dai-chan, did you think I lied?!" Momoi said while pouting.

"Eh? Kurochin won the bet?" Murasakibara suddenly said, popping out from the door while holding bunch of newly bought snacks.

"Ah! Now that you mention it, they had a bet.. And Akashi lost.." Aomine said and looked at his captain, who is now emotionless.

"Really.. It's unbelievable that Akashicchi lost-ssu. I think something went wrong-ssu."

With that statement, Kuroko ducked her face as she bit her lower lip, though it's not obvious.

"Oi, Kise. Be aware of what you're saying-nanodayo." Midorima said, glancing at the blonde when he saw Kuroko's face.

"A-ah! E-eh! Uh! K-kurokocchi, I-I don't-"

"Daijoubu, Kise-kun." She moved her gaze towards the model with her usual emotionless face. "I don't believe it myself."

"G-gommen-ssu!" Kise suddenly ran towards the blunette with tears forming in the corner of his eyes, hand stretched forward, planning to hug the latter.

Kuroko, then, felt that she was being dragged away from her place, and saw Akashi holding her. The latter held her arm and swiftly placed her in his laps, making the running blonde trip from the bench and kiss the floor, again. "K-kuh.."

Momoi, Aomine and Murasakibara crouched in front of the fallen blonde, poking him. "Ki-chan's dead, right?"

"Kisechin, condolence."

"Kise, you've been a great" Aomine suddenly coughed. "friend." He coughed again. "Now, rest in peace in hell, loser-I mean.. friend." He coughed, again. "But, having midterm test right after the summer vacation sure is tough. We only had a month to teach ourselves."

"It can't be helped, Dai-chan. We are busy." Momoi said. "If we took the test on December, which is two months from now, we won't be able to do our duties as student council members."

"And, as always, Minechin barely hanged on the sixth place." Murasakibara stated with maiubo in his hand.

"Teme, what do you by that?!" Aomine said. The three's gaze went to the blonde when they heard a noise from him.

The blonde suddenly sat up. "Don't just kill me-ssu! Hidoi-ssu!" Kise cried crocodile tears.

"Ah, he woke up." The trio said with their faces looked uninterested. Kise started scowling at them.

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