Chapter 36-Selfish

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As Thanksgiving comes closer my memories of my mom pops up, I truly do miss her. She loved holidays, especially Christmas since her birthday is the 27th. She could drink till new years and not get yelled at for it by my dad. She loved when he cooked her favorite meals. when she was hungover papi would make her favorite breakfast chilaquiles, she would devour it with tortillas and a cup of coffee. or when we would get ready she would always ask me what looked better. my dad would be in bed and he would watch her put her makeup on, watch her comb her hair, pick out his clothes even though he wouldn't wear them. i miss my papi even when mom passed away he lost himself too. He wouldn't even talk to us unless we wanted food, he would sleep his days away just so he can go to work. I miss my family so much.


Later that day

Zumara was sitting on her bed reading a book that edan gave her. silently enjoying the book when she heard a noise coming from down the hall. she got up from the bed, placed the book down where she wouldn't lose her page. walking slowly down the hallway she hears "Dude! she's up stairs shut up"

"How can i shut up if you keep steping on me stupid". she giggled quietly at them and she watched them from the top of the stairs. They were carrying someone looked like they were struggling to carry over to the couch. she quietly makes her way down the stairs to figure out what was going on as they make there way to the living room her spy mood comes on. she walks on her tippy toes so no one can hear her but little did she know aurther was watching her on the cameras enjoying her curiosity. she pokes her head from the doorway to see it was a man, watching him closely kinda looked like her brother. They took off the blind fold and bandana from his mouth and he started screaming " LET GO OF Me!"

"Bro! shut up let us explain whats going on so you can see your sister stupid" " wait, wait you took my sister? she didn't run away?...... YOU KIDNAPPED MY SISTER PUTO!"

"why is he just like her yelling, and calling us putos" said evan. "I honestly don't know but i would rather deal with him then zumara she's scary as hell" said chattan evan nodded in agreement. Zumara slowly walks in staring at the back of her brother's head. The boys were shocked to see her outside of her room. She stood in front of her brother "Zumara! you are okay. I'm so glad Papi has been worried about you. come on take these handcuffs off so i can bet their asses so we can go" she stared at him with disbelief he was really here. Out of nowhere zumara slapped him so hard it echoed, they all stood there in shock including aurther as he stared at the cameras. "What was that for zumara?" asked her brother tears runs down her face as her stares at him anger fills the room as the guys try to separate her from him. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE, YOU SHOULD HAVE SHOWN UP. WHY DID IT TAKE YOU, TWO WE-weeks to see her..... huh?" her brothers face turns from confused and hurt to pissed off. "Because i had bills to pay. I can't just leave work when papi tells me don't worry about it."

Aurther walked into the living room watching the two siblings from afar. "Dont fucking do that, just say you were to pussy to see her like that. i even sent pictures to show you how bad it was' ' she stepped back so she wouldn't kill him,it wouldn't have changed if she killed her own blood. Not everyone is built to handle so much and this is why he couldn't handle being the rock of the family. He wouldn't have the balls to take care of everyone, to put his little sisters first then himself. "Fine, yes I was too much of a pussy to see her, but I didn't want to make that the last memory of her. I wanted to remember her by the way she was not how she ended up in that bed." Aurther slowly walks behind zumara so she wouldn't try to hit her brother. "Bro just know I will never forgive you and your bullshit growing up and the shit you did for not making mom your first priority as her first son, her favorite kid. i will and always will be the last kid anyone will ask about and worry about because no one cares about the middle kid untill somthing bad happens for me it was being kidnapped, it could have been a murder, rapped and sold to sex trafficking, or suicdie and let me tell you suicdie was going to be my first opinion.... it really was."

She walks away from her brother and the boys, she makes her way upstairs to her room and slams the door behind her. She was done , done with him, done with herself and done with being selfish for being alive for her family. She wanted to be free and not worry about anything else including her family.

The guys took everything sharp from her. They even search her before she leaves the kitchen after every meal. Noone can change the mindset of someone who is over living with so much pain. She knows there are other people out in this world who are having it worse than her but she didn't care that she wanted freedom from her own pain.


So here is another chapter. I honestly don't have any reason for not updating, just being lazy and things keep adding up to my personal life where I don't care if I even go to work. or even eat half the time. so I hope you enjoy it.

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