Chapter 20-Don't lose hope

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"ugh i don't think i can eat anymore"

"im with you on that zu, nothing fits"

"ooh shut up edan this is nothing for you" said fedz.

"Yeah you always eat 6 plates of anything we cook" said one of the brothers.

"Zumara you sure you can't eat anymore?" asked aurther.

"Yes im sure, why you ask young lad"

"Haha young lad?"

"Yes!, and why do you ask?"

"Because you are eating ice cream right now"

"Ohh haha yeah, Well technically I'm not eating, I'm drinking ice cream"

"Haha okay whatever you ask princess."



"So zumara how did you like your picnic earlier?"

"Well evan it was a beautiful lunch it meant a lot. My family would have just taken me out to eat."

"Well i'm glad you liked it, and i'm sorry you couldn't be with your family for your birthday"

"It's okay, Doin would have tried someday to get me back or some shit, but anyways i'm going to take a nap. All that food got me sleepy"

"Alright ara, have a nice nap"


Antonio* (zumara's dad in english)

It's my daughter's birthday today and she's still nowhere to be found, cops cant find any evidence of how she is gone. I lost my parents, my son, and now my wife. Why does this happen to me. I called Miguel but he thinks, she went to her best friend's house but is isn't there. So now his coming, for my son he is a dumbass, he took two weeks to his mother in her coma and cried like a bitch when his sister tried to tell him. Ugh i just want my daughter back.

"Papi did they tell you anything about zumara?"

"No mija, nada. Nothing i think they are starting to give up. Just have hope she will come home to us, okay."

"Okay papi" said maria as she walks away with tears in her eyes. 



Cant believe she's gone, just gone. I cant handle this, i just lost mi mami it's to much for me. It kills me to see my papi depressed. I want my family back to what it use to be, we weren't perfect but we were family. And family stick together no matter what.

Hearing a beep maria looks down and saw a message from her best friend, she was facetimeing her.

"Hey boo"


"Any news about your sister?"

"No papi thinks the cops are giving up on looking for her"

"But shes only been gone for 3 months not a year and even if she was gone they should still be looking for her."

"Yeah i know, ugh" maria said as she throws herself on her bed.

"I just want my big pain in the ass sister, i want things back to normal"

" i know boo, i know she will be back to you guys. I have to go mom wants me, ill text you okay?"

"Okay bye"




Laying in bed listening to one of my mom's favorite songs "Before the next tear drop falls by Freddie Fender" it always brings back memories when we use to live in Miami.

Looking up i see fedz "Hey honey, whats up?"

"Oh nothing just wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing and all"

"mmhmm sure, whats up forreal boy"

"Okay okay you got me, ugh zumara are you cutting yourself?"

"No you can even check me zero cuts, why would you ask me that?" 

"i was reading this thing on the internet and it was about how to read someone who might be depressed. And cutting was in it"

"No honey, i haven't cut seen you guys kidnapped me"

"oh okay just wanted to make sure"

"i know boo its okay to check on me"

"Well im going to take a shower now, see ya later cupcake"

"Haha okay laters."


I know its been looooooooooong but im back and better then ever!! hahah yeah i loca but its okay.

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