Chapter 9-Miss lazy

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Chapter 9

Zumara's pov*

After eating my food i got up from my chair and threw away my food.

"Hey guys, i'm going to my room is that okay with you guys" i said. The guys nodded their heads but Fed. I knew he wanted to talk.

Making my way to the room" how do they know if i ran or not, thank goodness they good looking." Hearing footsteps i knew it was Fed. Reaching to the stairs regretting it, I stopped and pouted. Fed made his way next to me i turned to face him with my pouting face.

"Why did you stop walking"said Fed

"Because it's a lot of steps, don't you have elevators or something" i said pouting.

Fed giggled "Honey they are just stair, it won't hurt you, miss lazy."

"I'm not fit like you, and i'm sore from trying to run away from you guys" i said still with the pouting face. I hope he picks me up, and takes me to my room. There is no way in hell i'm going up those people killers.

"Whatever miss lazy" Fed said with a eye roll.

Out of nowhere fed picks me up from the ground i screamed "FEDERRICO WHATEVER YOUR LAST NAME IS, PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I BREAK YOUR CUTE SELF."

"Haha baby girl you don't weigh that much" fed said going up the stairs.

Hearing footsteps from the kitchen i see the guys come out with guns and ready to kick some culo(ass). Seeing it was me and fed they put their guns away, and looking at us with confusing faces.

"So what's going on here" chattan asked as he reached the stairs.

"Zumara here was being lazy, so i picked her up" fed as if i didn't weigh like anything.

"Then why did she screamed" asked chattan as if i wasn't there.

"I don't know "Fed shrugged I'm so freaking embarrassed, I feel like my face is red. And i think i'm showing my stomach ugh.

"Federrico you are making her blush put her down" said Ethan.

"Why i'm doing something nice" fed said with a little attitude.

All the guys shook their heads and sighed "I got this guys" said Edan.

"Fedy honey, can you put zumara down. She can crawl up the stairs."

Aww he is so swee-Whaaaa wait a minute di-did he just say i can crawl the fucking stairs excccuse me. My mouth was hung open of how shocked i was, he letjet just called me un puto perro(a fucking dog). I got off fed arms and walked down the few steps fed walked up and got into Edans face.

"Who in hell do you think you are for practically calling me a dog, mmmm puto(fucker) answer me." i'm beyond pissed.

"Ooh cheetos I fucked up didn't I" Looking at everyone's head nodding.

What Ethan said pissed me the fuck off "Yes you did, i told you latins are crazy."

"Que cono dijiste(what the fuck did you just say), we are not crazy if you don't piss us off." I saw red im pissed, pissed not even how to say how pissed i am. I looked at edan and ethan faces looks like they just pissed their pants.

"Im sor-sorry zumara please dont cut off my baby's" Ethan said going to his knees. I heard edan giggled but coughed to hid it.

"What the fuck you laughing at you should be on your knees like your brother." Edan face changed from a smiling and a scared expression.

"No-nothing Zu-zumara" Edan said looking at the floor.

"I want your bony ass to take me to my room." the triplets are not bony whats so ever they were buff as mango's no joke but i'm too pissed to care. Ethan nodded his head and i turned to Edan "And i want you to follow".

Looking at Chattan, Evan's and Fed's faces were hilarious but i had to stay in character. "Well what you guys waiting for take me to my room." i said getting irritated.

Edan picked me up bridal style. I looked at his face i thought " you gonna be huffing and puffing" but he was calm nothing not even sweat. Edan was halfway up the stairs when i didn't hear Ethan following " You better be following Ethan."

At the top i heard turning the corner "I am more scared of Zumara then Aurther."


Reaching the room Ethan opens the door, Edan lays me on the bed"Edan go get snacks and some water." Nodding his head he walked out the door.

Looking at Ethan's scared expression i wanted to laugh but i didn't."Ethan put some chick films"nodding he to went to the TV that is in front of the bed and put in Netflix. Edan came back with chips, marshmallows, chocolate and other snacks.Ethan had put some random chick film.

"I want you both to sit and watch this with me." They nodded their heads.

Halfway thru the movie i started getting sleepy "If i wake up and you are not here or you wake me up it will be the death of you." hearing okay's i turned to my side and feel asleep.


Another chapter!

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