Chapter 32-Mami

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"Mija wake up it's late its 12 help me clean the house" 

"Maaa let me sleep its the weekend!"

"No no no no get up we are having  people coming and the house needs to be clean when they come, hurry up"

"Okay okay" smiling at my mom dancing to her music blasting.

waking up to use the bathroom smiling remembering me dream god how much i miss you mom. Once finished i walk back to bed and fell asleep with ease.

Laying in bed ready to fall asleep when i opened my eyes i see a figure walking in my room a black figure, it slowly creeped up to me with it turned up my black out light i saw death coming for me i wake up and started crying. 

" ooh hahaha you okay? why are you crying" it was my brother

" Because i saw death stupid, get out let me sleep"

"Hahaha death? shut up you don't know what you talking about"

"Get the fuck out of my room ain't no one want you here"


Julting up looking around the room i see the sun barely coming up. sigh i look at the desk i see my notebook getting up i make my way. Alright zumara let's write. 

My brother has always caused me pain, if it wasn't mentally it was emotionally. He has always told me "no one will love you pig, oink oink". "Why would someone want a fat cow, you mean nothing to me, you were adopted." i would hear this almost every single day, it got to the point where it was drilled in to my brain. He use to punch me in the arm, yell at me, tell me i'm shit , nobody wants a weirdo and worthless. Nothing will get better unless im away. Self harm started at a early age of 9. when he would leave it was peace on earth for me but once he came home i always felt like shit.

"zumara what are you doing?" grabbing my notebook and pen putting it away.

"Oh nothing just writing my thoughts away, is all"

"Oooh okay, but why are you crying?"

"What?" wiping my eyes "ooh didn't know i was crying haha its nothing honest"

"Boss asked me to tell you foods ready. it's bosses fave homemade french toast"

"Oh yummy lets go" walking away turning back seeing my notebook sitting on the desk aurther bought a week ago. 



buying that desk for her made her finally got her out off bed, she's been here for 6 months. she's spent it mostly in bed eating once a day  and talking to one of use in small sentences. Doesn't look in our eyes, she keeps them down cast. she's farther away in her thoughts. she touches her right arm and scratches it for a long it until i call her name she's acts like nothing is wrong. I'm going to ask her what's been going wrong with her hopefully she talks to me. 


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