chapter 1

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Phil yelled at his boys to get going for school as they had indeed missed atmost 20 or something minutes. Being incredibly pissed at them at the moment because they were kinda the reason he was late for work today aswell.

"let's go already Tommy we are already late!"

Barging into his little brother's, yelling Wilbur entered. He ofcource saw the one of the most stupid situation a person could get into..

"Wilbur help me tie my fucking tie!"

Tommy stood there with his tie tangled around his hands and neck, standing stupidily infornt of the mirror.

"Are you for real Thomas..?"

Wilbur asked sarcastically as he walked towards the dumbass of a blond and started to attempt to help him out, Tommy only grumbled a bit. Wilbur had to hurry as a yelling call from their oldest brother towards them was heard.

"Hurry the actual fuck up you two! We're already late!"

Wilbur almost choking Tommy, hurried and the two grabbed their bags and for some reason just had to not remember that their shoe laces aren't tied.. it's a pretty common and old meme yet it still lives among many people!

The two quickly got up and in seconds tied they're laces, getting up at the same time and bumping into eachother to fall down once more.. I swear to fuck, even me, your author ain't that fucked up.

"Ok we're done now GO!!"

The both of them hurriedly went downstairs,  rushed into saying their goodbyes to Phil, grabbing their lunch and extra lunch money from the table and hurrying outside..

Now here's the thing sweethearts.. never EVER run out the main gate of your house or anywhere else if there are stairs right outside to get down to your garden or the road..

Tommy as a professional jumper, easily skipped the stairs and landed perfectly on the ground, while Wilbur.. the tall dumbass who's fuckin shit at running and jumping fell on the first step and on his face..

Something like this, use your imagination to make it look better as I'm too lazy to make something that's actually good

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Something like this, use your imagination to make it look better as I'm too lazy to make something that's actually good.

"Get in the fucking car already"

Techno said annoyed and grumpily, I mean who can blame him? Anyone would be pretty  annoyed if their siblings take litrally longer than a typical pick me girl getting ready to go to litrally anywhrre to get into a damn car and off to school.

"You're grumpy today?"

"Inside. Now."

"K jeez"

After that little incounter between Tommy and Techno, Tommy finally got in the car and that's then Techno saw Wilbur on the stairs, he rolled his eyes and went towards his younger twin, picked him up and yeeted him inside the car.

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