chapter 23

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"oh tommy..."

phil spoke... almost immediately wilbur ran to embrace the younger blond really tight, wilbur didn't hold back and he let his tears flow this time, seeing wilbur allowing himself, Tommy didn't care to hold back himself and buried jis face in wilbur's sweater as he begin to let out silent sobs, tears staining the older's clothes but who cared!? their brother almost died!

then two more pair of arms wrapped around the two crying boys, phil and tecno. what surprised tommy was a single tear escape techno's eye.

they hugged each other, not letting go, he was safe, they were safe...

_3 weeks later_

three weeks had passed since the whole "thing". things were now going back to normal a bit, Tommy had fully recovered from his injuries and was starting school again from today, not quite excited honestly, who could blame him, and his attitude had  changed a bit aswell, teasing towards deo, over friendly towards loved ones and nightmarish towards pricks..

_wilbur pov_

"do i have to go?"
tommy asked again, what is it? like the 67th time he's asked this? i dunno i lost count of it after 40, techno won the bet.. that bitch somehow always wins!

"yes, and do not ask me again cuz you already know the answer"
phil spoke annoyed as he packed our lunches for school today. he handed them to us and we said our good-byes and went to school.

_on da way_

"sooo, wil wanna pay the favour now?"
techno asks smugly

"go ahead, 'brother'"

he scoffs and speaks up and what i hear breaks me..


"what's wrong 'will-i-am'? you scared?"

"i hate you so fuvkin much"

"mhm, love you too"

_a few minutes later:)_




"wait let me explain! techno made me do that shit!"

and now he's storming off... whoops? i hear three people fucking laughing, i turn around to see fucking Tommy, Tubbo and damn Ranboo! like why them!? out of all the other people!? WHY THEM!?!??!


"what is wilby upset his boyfriend is going to dump his ass?"
Tommy spoke laughing

"shouldn't you be scared that I'm going to tell techno you and dream kissed?"


"you actually kissed dream!?"
i yelled, tubbo and ranboo burst into more laughter

"how did yo-"
before he could finish someone else cut in

"you did what!?"
two voices who weren't supposed to hear it..
whoops? to loud i guess?

i turn to see TECHNO and DEO, yeah Tommy's in trouble, like alot of trouble..

Deo stomped towards tommy, grabbed him by the wrist and stormed off, Techno followed and i heard a scream coming from none other than dream.

"guess dream and tommy are both being horribly dragged right now.."
ranboo pointed out..

"i didn't think dream and tommy would ever kiss honestly.."

(lol ao3 has over a hundred stories that includes these two kissing hehe :))

_3rd person_

techno and deo dragged Tommy and dream by the wrist towards the bathroom, they are in so much trouble, techno locked the door of the bathroom from inside and turned to dream...

"what is this about you kissing Tommy?"
techno be angy UWU lol

"techno i can explain!"

deo grabbed Tommy by the collar and pinned him against the wall making it no where near easy to escape..




"we gonna kiss?"


deo glares at tommy, right in the damn eyes!
tommy looks as oblivious and cute as ever..

"I'm literally mad at you.."

"so you don't love me no more? i mean i still got other bitches if you hate me"
Tommy smirked

deo let out an annoyed sigh and turned his head to techno who which he made eye contact with while still having tommy pinned to the wall.

techno sighed and turned to Dream, dream had a smirk for some reason.. i mean he was wearing a mask with a smile on it but you could tell by his eyes that he had a smirk.

"soo, techno do you want the long version or the short version?"
dream asked ever so calmly

"i want the right version"
techno deadpanned

"so basically, i never kissed anyone, and asked if Tommy could help me, he did, he taught me how to kiss, the next day, we kissed, that's why you liked it, cuz i knew how to kiss... this is embarrassing"

deo and techno had the "are you fucking serious?" look on their face...


that all fo' t'day mates! imma go fucking sleep now! y'all have a good day aswell! cuz I'm not! bye!!! i don't love you cuz I don't know you and i have severe trust issues anywayyyy!


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