chapter 5

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i saw the two kiss as i watched in pain, why did i reject him those years ago? I'm going to get him, deo can't have him, he's mine, no one else's, just mine.
i felt the anger built up in me, i was thinking of ways to get my tommy till i felt a tap on my shoulder, i looked behind to see it was tubbo,

purpled: what?

tubbo: umm the class is literally starting in one minute

purpled: oh shit! what your class?

tubbo: math and ranboo's with me

purpled: ugh! mines chemistry!

tubbo: sucks to be you.

i just rolled my eyes and went to my class and saw Tommy and Deo waving at each other while going separate ways , i just hated seeing deo with Tommy.
as i went to my class i saw that deo was there too, ugh, i sat as far away from him as i could.

as always started talking shit , but then he said that he's going to make a pair of two for the chemistry project, and i was paired up with DEO ! of all people! why deo!?

deo pov

WHY!?!!??!? why purpled! this bitch kissed my boyfriend!!!

the whole period just went of me and him glaring each other and not saying a word.

tubbo pov

thank God the period was over! i saw ranboo behind me so i thought why not run from him? and thats what i did and bumped head first into a tall person and fell back with a thud,

i looked up to see a tall 6'6 or something ft man with pink hair , red eyes that was looking at me with a straight face , we looked at each other for a moment before he skipped over me, rude!

i saw another 6'6 man holding a hand towards me , he had curly brown hair and had yellow eyes , what with people having such eyes, he was wearing a yellow sweater and black jeans,

i took his hand and he pulled me up , and smiled before saying something

??? didn't know you joined this school tubs!

tubbo: wait, wilbur!

wilbur: took you a while to recognise, and sorry about techno he's just , not having a good day

tubbo: its alright!

wilbur: hey ranboob!

i looked behind me and saw another 6'6 man! why!? why am i so short!

ranboo: wow! wilbur! you've changed quite a bit!

wilbur: yeah! you to, but i gotta go rn , got PE for my next class!

with that he went so me and ranboo decided to look around and came across a situation...

tommy pov

i was sprinting down the hall , i was getting late ! i had to submit some assignments till the next period or i would end up in detention! now keep in mind i get detention twice a week normally but i couldn't get one today or i would loose the challenge, the challenge? yeah so wilbur challenged me to not get detention this week or i would have to call him wilby for an entire month! i don't want to call him wilby infront of everyone!

so yeah! i was sprinting down the hall and suddenly bumped into someone and fell to my butt and all my papers fell to the floor, i looked up and suddenly froze in place.

a tall man with dirty blonde hair , lime green eyes and was wearing a green hoodie with a smiley face on it and black ripped jeans was standing in front of me , looking down and smirked.

the figure crouched to my level and looked straight at me , the lime green eyes met the icy blue ones , and then the figure spoke

??? hello tomathy, missed me?

tommy: w- how are you- dream...

i said in a shakey voice and he pulled me up by the collar and pinned me to one of the lockers and looked down at me.

dream: where fid we left again? oh yeah!

tommy: what are yo-

before i could finish he held my chin and kisse- OH HELL NAH!! pulled out a pen and drew something on my cheek and let go of me with force.. ow! i fell back down on the papers i dropped, and just heard a laugh from behind me, it was dream's .

i quickly gathered all my papers and pulled up my hood to hide my face, i quickly got up and heard dream say,

dream: welcome back "best friend!"

i saw tubbo and ranboo in a distance who seem to have saw the whole thing, without another thought i went to them and gave them the papers.

tommy: just give them to Mr. Halo please

i said with my eyes not showing under the hood.

tubbo: are you okay tom-

tommy: I'm fine just go!

with that i went to the opposite direction from them and straight to the bathroom and into one of the stalls, i sat there and realized i was crying... i hadn't even noticed i was crying

it had been a few minutes and then i heard two voices outside, i reconized them instantly as Deo and...... Purpled?

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