chapter 22

622 12 16

Deo jumped in after the young blonde. The cold water came in contact with his warm body giving him a sudden hard chill but that didn't stop him from going after Tommy.

tommy now out of breath was unconscious making deo worry even more, he swam in deeper and deeper but the drowning boy was still out of his reach by 10ft.

being so out if breath, Deo's vision was darkening and that was bad! deo ignored and didn't give up and swam faster and caught the youngers hand and pulled him up.

deo brought tommy closer to him and hurried to swim back to the surface before the he could black out...

deo pulled tommy to the surface and realized he wasn't breathing. Deo put his mouth over Tommy's and blew air in. Tommy's breath hitched but thankfully he was now breathing

deo gave out a sigh of relief and didn't realize the temperature lowering and the cold taking over more and more. he heard a groan from the blond and saw he had woken up now!

deo hugged the younger as if he was going to leave him again and try to commit suicide again.


"Tommy why'd you do that!? what would we all do without you? what would i do without you...?"

"i-i'm- sorry..."
tommy was in tears now but he didn't let them spill.

"it's ok now, you're ok sunshine.. you're ok.."

they stayed like that for a few moments tilldeo realized he needs to head back now because everyone is still in a panick back home.

"tommy, we need to get you home now.."

"deo, what would they think about what happened?"

"they'd most probably lecture you, and wilbur might just not leave you alone for some weeks.."

tommy raised an eyebrow at deo.

"ok maybe a few months..."

the two giggled a bit before getting up. Tommy had hurt his leg and hus wrist was still bleeding out. as soon as tommy had stood up he groaned and fell back down.

deo quickly took action and catched the younger, deo realised he was hurt so he picked the blond up bridal style and they started his looooong walk home.

_on the way_

"deo I-i'm... sorry..."

tommy spoke first cuz none of them had spoken the whole way. deo took it by surprise, pretty sure of what the younger was saying and sighed.

"no... I'm the one who should be sorry... not you... i was the one who hurt you, you were just trying to secure our relationship.."

"i guess you were quite the prick throughout the whole thing"

tommy giggled a bit

"yeah and i guess you were being quite jealous aswell"

"i was not jealous, i was just trying to keep you away from falling in love with purpled!"

"sure your highness!"

"i hate you..."

"you love me"

"no i don't"


"okay maybe a bitttttttt"

"yeah definitely sunshine"

tommy just rolled his eyes and a smirk crept on his face and a little blush with it.

tommy kissed deo...

they pulled apart and deo was the happiest boy in the world at that moment.

"i missed you..."
deo spoke with as he looked deep into the once blue, now grey eyes.

"i missed you more.."

they shared this moment together and now both were going home, in the comfort of knowing that they are together once more and this time. they would be more careful of their relationship, not letting anyone ruin it.

_with the sbi_

"Techno he isn't answering his phone! he is nowhere to be seen! how did he just disappear like that!?"

phil was panicking, Techno was trying to calm him down and wilbur was with the search team for the past 6 or 7 hours now.

tubbo, ranboo, luke and bitzel were all at erets house since their families were also trying to help find the missing boy.

Dream and Punz were with Wilbur while sapnap and George were at home, George was good at hacking and computer things do he was trying to track Tommy's phone but he was for sure having no luck.

upon all this Phil was now almost going to let his tears spill, Phil loved his sons all equally but tommy was everyone's ray of sunshine who had been a glue that stuck all of them together.

"Phil I'm sure Tommy's fine! we'll find him! everything's going to be ok!"

Techno hugged Phil calming the old man a bit. he sighed, he knew tommy was fine but he was trying his best not to go insane in such a situation. Tommy was indeed techno's ray of sunshine aswell to which Techno had always smiled at which he did to none of the others.

_back to Deo_

they were almost there and now tommy was feeling really lightheaded, before passing out in the older's arms he managed to get a few words out his mouth,

"D-deo i-i don't feel s-so good..."


before deo could finish tommy had now fell unconscious from the weakeness taking over him and causing deo to panick.

"Tommy!? hold on! we're almost home!"

Deo was now panicking really bad and even though his pace was fast he started to run now so they'd get there faster.

_with wilbur_

they had been looking for hours without an end till wilbur heard someone shouting his name. he turned to see a sight he was grateful of.

Deo ran to him, with wil's little brother in his arms unconscious and hurt. Wilbur was the first one to take action and run up to Deo and quickly took tommy from his arms and into his own.

Wilbur noticed the blood running down from Tommy's wrist and how he was unconscious. he quickly told the officers to inform Phil about this and rushed tommy to the ambulance that had now arrived...


"is he going to be ok!?"

wilbur asked the nurse who had come out of the room, Phil and Techno were there aswell.
they had arrived to the hospital some hours ago after phil and techno got the news and had all meet up there.

"he's going to be fine, no severe injuries but i do need to talk to you about something"

the now more reliefed family looked at each other and then back at the nurse as a sign for her to continue.

"we found signs of drowning on him..."

the all went in a state of shock and a realization hit them, wilbur was now on the verge of crying at the thought of loosing his brother...

after some more talking the nurse left and came back 10 to 15 minutes later.

"he is now awake, you can talk to him if you want"

saying that, she left and they all went in to see tommy sat up in the hospital bed with bandages round his wrist and his leg.

the younger looked at his family with regret, now realizing that they knew. Phil sighed and looked at him with a sad-dissapointed something face.

"oh tommy..."

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