chapter 24

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tommy was in his science class, almost asleep, not caring that the teacher wpuld litrally see him. well that happened...

"Thomas! why don't you come over and tell us all what i just explained?"
the teacher spoke

tommy groaned and came up to the front of the class and stood Infront of the class, he didn't remember any shit the teacher had explained so he did what he did the best nowadays...

"y'know, you can really use a makeover sir, that haircut looks like ughh, and you really need a new personality aswell, you can get so many women if you improve your ruined self, and your lecture wasn't worth listening to when i could understand shit better from the books"

the class went silent, bitzel and tubbo did their best to not burst out laughing at this, so did someother kids. the teacher was to stunned to speak.

"detention thomas.."

"meh, more sleep for me! cya nerds!"

_at detention_

at the detection room, Tommy was met by a surprise, there sat both his brothers, techno reading a book and wilbur with his legs on the table playing his guitar. both the seniors turned to the door to see Tommy.

Tommy walked over to them took a seat beside wilbur, and yelled into his hands and hit his head on the desk..

"why are you here?"
techno asked

"i spoke the truth"
he simply said

"i bet the truth was sheeeesh!"
wilbur guessed

"it wasn't as sheesh as your mop of a head"
tommy spoke earning a smack from wilbur.

"my hair isn't a mop!"

"whatever makes you feel better"
Tommy exclaimed with a grin

"why are you two here anyway?"

"stared at the teacher, wilbur went pretty much a little to far in drama class"
techno spoke simply earning a gasp from wilbur and a "pfft" from tommy

"i can assure you! the words that i spoke at the class of drama! were well thought from the depths of the oceans! the heights of the skies! the unknown of the universe!"

wilbur spoke dramatically with one his forehead and the other in a fist as it was raised.

"or just a dramatic idiot"
it's true..

techno snorted and wilbur was now putting on one of his rants. the classic Minecraft siblings:)


deo was in his karate class, lucky for him, he was going against purpled in the "friendly" fight. Deo is gonna beat his ass lol.

purpled and deo stood face to face, just as the coach said "start" deo had lunged over purpled, the two fought, it went on for a straight 16 minutes till purpled was pinned to the ground by deo, a leg over him to stop him from getting up.

"Deo you can get of now y'know?"
the couch spoke a bit concerned from the sight.

deo huffed and walked away to take a breath from the fight, purpled to got up and left to get some water. unfortunately the two boys once again met at the locker room, alone as the others were still practicing in the karate room.

"you still upset about that huh deo? you're weak.."
purpled stated with a smirk, this made deo angry and he slammed purpled again the locker leaving a visible dent.

"you really think Tom's gonna be with you for long? think again.."

"I'd watch my tongue if i were you.."

purpled didn't listen and punched deo in the stomach making him stumble back.

"I'd be careful to pick a bitch if i were you.."

the word 'bitch' used for tommy wasn't appreciated as deo beat the hell out of purpled, his screams were muffled and his blood was dripping from his nose, mouth and some other cuts.

the bell rung and it was time for Deo's 3rd class of the day, math... AKA as known more commonly around depressed genZ teens like myself is "Mental Abuse To Humans" the right and full form for the disgusting word "math"

(WHY DOES MATH EXIST!?!??!!?!!!!!!!!?)

deo sighed as he made his way gor his next class, running into a cute blondie on the way.
they stopped to talk a bit.

"sup deo"

"sup nerd, where ya heading?"

"gymnastics, you?"

"i shant say the name of the forbidden!"

"you mean math?"


Tommy rolled his eyes and continued to walk to his class, he remembered that ranboo and tubbo, all were in his class, he was happy they were, it was their first gymnastics class actually, so it was going to be hard for them lol.

tommy got to his class set his bag on the changing room bench and took out his gymnastic clothes. it was a bany blue pajamas type thing, and a bit tight baby blue full sleeve shirt. it looked nice.

i have it fucking pictured in my mind yet i have no idea how to describe it and i can't find clothes that are close to what I'm thinking of. it looks nice actually...

the class was going fine till the teacher told us to all try out a 2 people stunt and i was paired up with ranboo, that wasn't bad!


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