chapter 20

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"what the actual FUCK is going on!?"

wilbur demanded, did they actually not know?

"what do you mean?"
tommy answered monotonously sending chills down my spine, why are these three soo fucking scary!?

"tom, you've been acting strange for a while now, everyone can see that, you're wearing dark colours, and your usual loud and annoying personality isn't there either"

tecno stated very specifically, but unlike wilbur he was pretty calm.

"i thought people hated my loud and annoying personality"
Tommy says as he rolled his eyes

"they Fucking don't! you're like a sunshine to the school and everyone else!"
wilbur says then turns to me.... shit

"the fuck happened to you? you've been ignoring everyone and i barely see you and tommy together, aren't you two like the biggest love birds ever?"

"not really, tecno and dream are the real biggest love birds wilbur"
tommy from  his side and i couldn't help but snicker well wilbur laughed at that and tecno stood there with an annoyed face.

"ok we're getting off topic! Deo, what is ACTUALLY going on?"
tecno said in a serious tone

"tommy... did you not tell them..?"
i asked in a confused voice

"i didn't, its not important"
he says with his arms crossed while looking at the ground

"tell us what?"

"umm, me and tommy .... broke up..."

everyone went quiet... not knowing what to say, all eyes were on me... i felt anxious by it.
tommy looked tense and the other two stunned...

"w-why!? why the hell would you two ever break up?! you two can't just-!"

"wilbur, tecno, i appreciate you two being concerned, but whatever is happening is none of your buisness! so let us be!"

tommy says as he makes his way to the door, i followed behind so i could too get away from the scary twins.

we walked out i felt the guilt building up in me, just then a boy with raven hair and black eyes cane towards tommy, he had a nose piercing and was wearing a bandana.

"hey babe!"

"hey billzo, and don't call me that"

i felt jealous of the "billzo" guy. whats he to tommy!? before i could think any further i spoke

"what are you to tommy?"
i said in a calm voice (nice try deo but you sounded pretty angry)

"umm I'm his boyfrien-"

"hush billzo, you're not my damn boyfriend. whats it to you though? i thought you were with purpled?"
tommg says turning to me

"I'm not with him! yet I'm not even his friend! and i was just wondering who he was"

"look TimeDeo, we broke up, thats that! now i can be friends or boyfriend to anyone i like! move on already!"

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 [𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭] [𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭] Where stories live. Discover now