chapter 26

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"hey baby!"

Purpled spoke with a maniac like tone.. he looked different... his hair was messed up, he looked like he hadn't slept... he looked like an absolute maniac..

purpled came closer and it only made tommy more scared.. at that moment he missed deo more than anyone or anything else in the world as deo would protect him from people like purpled..


the couple walked down the street, it was 5pm and not a good time to be outside and pretty far from home..

deo had left Tommy sitting on a bench on his phone while he went to grab something to eat for themselves..

while he went to get something, a tall man who looked to be a bodybuilder approached tommy..

he came and sat right next to the blond and put a hand around his waist, tommy now off his phone tried to get the man to get his hand away only to be pulled in harder..

"where do ya think you're going without a little kiss baby boy?"

"g-get the fuck away bitch!"

tommy pushed the man away from him and slid out his grip and stood up, the man followed and stood up coming closer and grabbing both of Tommy's wrists and pulled him closer..

"you decided to go out at this time... clearly you were asking for this you pretty little whore~"

just as he could get any closer to Tommy, someone came and pushed the man away with a force that made him stumble back and loose balance and fall..

looking up the man was met by angry-manic-ishly protective orange eyes, it
was deo and he looked pretty mad. an arm Infront of his blonde.

"what the hell man! i was having a moment with my boyfrien-"

"he is MINE, keep that in mind.."

deo came forward and grabbed the man by the collar and said something in his ear that made him stumble back and run away, coming back at kissing Tommy and taking the two over to his house...

_end of flashback_

purpled came in closer and bent down, tommy couldn't move.. scared.. purpled grabbed Tommy's chin and slammed into a wet and messy kiss..

tommy couldn't pull back and purpled only made it worse by coming in closer, not pulling away, even running out of breath..

tommy was now struggling to breath and was trying to push purpled away, tears ran down his cheeks.. finally.. purpled pulled away and got up..

"did you enjoy that love?"

Tommy gasped for air and only sobbed louder at purpled's words.. he hated this.. he wanted deo..

Purpled frowned at the crying response, and went out of the room, returning with a knife this time.. coming closer to Tommy..

"g-get away from me!"

tommy turned his head to the side and squeezed his eyes shut letting more tears escape. he was scared...

"it's not going to hurt baby.. not that much.."

he came closer and grabbed Tommy's right hand and stretched it towards himself and brought in the knife closer to the arm..


a painful scream left Tommy's mouth as the knife was stabbed in his arm, drawing out a shiny crimson liquid, purpled only laughed..

"yes! scream! you gave me so much pain baby.."

tommy only cried and called for deo in low murmers and wimpers.. purple ran his hand through the blood and brought it up to his mouth and licked it..

"just as sweet as your voice.. you're truly a blessing baby..."

Tommy moaned at the sensation of more blood being drunk from hand.. it hurt..
he sobbed and when purpled brought in the knife for more, tommy screamed for him to stop but it was no use...

"if you don't like this, we could get dirty baby~"

"n-no! stay away from me bitch!"

"hm.. thought you'd rather have me in you than have your blood leave you.. but you asked for it..."

with that purpled took the knife and plunged it in Tommy's thigh earning a scream for him to stop but that only made purpled plunge in deeper..

more and more blood gathered.. more and more screams.. more and more and MORE!
it was beautiful..

a sight everyone would wish to see.. the lover with a warm -bloody- smile.. the victim a bloody and screaming mess.. covered in blood and tears.. a sight to see indeed.. a siight to die for..

many and many days passed and everyday more and more screams were the music of the lover.. 

that all happened while somewhere else.. a worried sick family, a boyfriend and a bunch of friends were going crazy with the sudden loss of what was their's..

everday they would search but wouldn't get a single clue.. more and more tears and yelling in-between them.. everyone was breaking apart because of the loss..

days passed... so.. so many days.. heartbreaking.. crying.. screaming.. they were going insane... would they ever be the same after this...?

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