chapter 3

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phil: boys get up already!

wilbur: i thought we were changing schools!?

phil: you are , you just need to go today and you're done with this school!

wilbur: ugh! fine

phil: go wake you're brothers now

wilbur: alright...


wilbur: tecno! get up!

tecno: "groans"

wilbur: if you don't get up , no potatoes for a week!

tecno: fine! fine! I'm getting up!

wilbur: good now go wake up the gremlin

tecno: heh!?


tecno: oi child! get up!

tommy: no!

'''tecno picks him up and takes him to breakfast table'''

phil: i- whatevers..

    (timeskip to when they are at school)

purpled pov

today has been... awful , Tommy has been ignoring me , ranboo and tubbo and classes are shit and dream and his stupid gang including my brother punz...

                     (end of school day)

tommy pov

thank God I'm done with this school, we went back home and phil told us we've been taken in the new school! which was absolutely great!

                           1 week later

purpled pov

its been a while and Tommy and his brothers haven't been coming to school and seems as if he changed his numbur too, i asked punz if he knew anything about his brothers?
he had no idea till uhh this happened

i was walking to my next class till dream stopped me and...

purp: what do you want dream?

dream: i was bored and toms is not here so thought i could have fun with you.

punz: dude , hes my brother!

dream: ugh! why did Tommy had to change schools..

purpleds mind

he --- w-what?

tommy pov

first day of our new school! i am excited!
i am finally getting away from my past life!

phil: c'mon Tommy you don't wanna be late on the first day!

tommy: coming!

i ran downstairs to meet wil and tech i waved at then we went to the car and drove of to the new school.

when we got their we split up pur ways and when i was trying to find my locker i bumped into someone and fell back.

??? sorry mate, are you ok?

tommy: yeah I'm fine.

he let out his hand to help me up , i took it and got up, i finally got look of him face and saw he was wearing a black shirt, unbuttoned orange jacket , sunglasses and a .... Christmas hat?

??? well, I'm timedeo, you can call me deo!

tommy; oh! I'm Tommy!

deo: are you new here cuz i haven't seen you around here?

tommy: umm.. yeah , today's my first day actually.

deo: well then, would you like a tour and maybe we could be friends?

deo was really nice, he was quite popular and older / taller than me ... but i was blushing a bit when i was talking to him tho,

deo pov

tommy was really nice , he was wearing a little oversized red and white hoodie, black jeans and sneakers, he also had nice fluffy golden blond hair, diamond blue eyes and pale skin, i felt butterflies on my tummy when i was around him.

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