chapter 30

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Note from author, aka me. i apologize for the long gap, and for this chapter to be much better to read, play the song "Mortal" by Alex Johansson.

Tommy opened his eyes.. squinting back at the light that invaded his vision brutally.. a second to get his mind set, he quickly sat up..

This wasn't where he was last night..

White walls, furnished room, tubes.. many many tubes.. beeping.. he was in a hospital? safety was not assured to him.. he started breathing heavily.. he was upset? he breathed in and out.. where's purpled? tommy should've been happy he's in a hospital..

Noise made by the hinged door opening snapped him out his thoughts.. his face turned to the source of the sound, he saw a familiar face.. curly brown hair.. pale skin..


Wilbur entered the room, stood in the disturbing silence, no reaction.. no emotion. The brothers stared into eachother's eyes, none dared look away.. No words were exchanged.. but the stare was frozen in place..

Just as before the door opened, the brothers both slowly turned to see a shorter blonde.. luke looked at their direction.. his eyes a bit red.. was he crying..?

"I'm sorry.."

A tear shed from the blue eyes.. turning his gaze back to wilbur he noticed the broken expression on his brother's face.. the brunette sent a sweet and comforting smile towards his brother as the heavy tears spilled..

You Tell Me Things That Are So Visible..
Then How Come I Don't See Them?

Tommy blinked for a second and everything around him changed.. the room was darkness that surrounded.. he saw luke on the ground.. bleeding.. dead..

He saw Wilbur in the same smiling position.. his skin white and ghostly.. eyes white spilling blood from his eyes and mouth..

A loud shrill scream invaded his hearing from behind.. quickly turning to his behind to see wilbur there.. or more if the bleeding figure that was smiling at him seconds ago.. chains held him back and closing in dragging him back in the void like dark..

He was oblivious to his senses.. he wasn't Breathing.. he wasn't feeling...

Another Blink From Fear..

He opened his eyes back to see himself standing in a floored void.. black and the his body that slightly glowed.. it was silent. Familiar laughter.. in the distance he saw a bright purple face, stationery it was smiling..

It terrified him.. faint.. really faint.. screams could barely be heard..

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