chapter 15

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_phil pov_

after i had returned home from work i couldn't find the boys anywhere. definitely sneaked out or something, i couldn't even see their locations, I'm guessing they figured how to take the devices out because i found three trackers in their rooms. i tried calling them but they didn't answer. i was getting worried then i got a message. from tommy...
where the fuck are you all!?

5 missed voice calls

the fuck do you want!?

tell me where you all are!

nah, you'll just ruin the fun.

tommy is offline

well atleast they are okay, but that doesn't mean they aren't getting punished when they come home!

_tommy pov_

i woke up to some noises, i opened my eyes and saw very little light in the room . i got up , thank goodness deo wasn't all over me and basically squishing me. i saw everyone else was asleep so i quietly hopped over the sleeping bitches and went to the kitchen to get some water. after that i didn't really have anything to do and it was 5 in the morning so the sun wasn't fully out yet, i decided to put on a hoodie and went to the gallery to see the sunset because dream's house had a beautiful view. the cold winds blew through my hair and the sun was starting to rise, it was simply beautiful.

"your awake at this time?"

i turned around to see it was dream. he was standing in the gallery door and looked as if he just woke up. i smiled at him and answered

"yeah, it was too beautiful to miss the sun rise"

"gotta admit, it is pretty beautiful"

he came and stood beside me, we both watched the sun rise together.

_dream pov_

it was such a beautiful moment, it reminded me of how tecno asked me to be his boyfriend and it was at a beautiful sunset at the beach. it had been a month since me and tecno got together and it still shicks me we haven't kissed yet. tbh i never ever kissed anyone before aswell.. wait! tecno might dump me if he realises i am not a good kisser! tf am i gonna do!? oh no!

author: dream just ask for "help"

dream: the fuck do you mean get help!?

author: ask someone to teach you how to kiss bitch

dream: ah- who am i supposed to ask!? and how would they teach me!?

author: not my problem! deal with it!

okay, so apperently i need to get help, fron who though!? sapnap? no he is my best friend! i can't! i can't ask the feral boys they can't keep a secret! not wilbur! definitely not wilbur! oh- i have to do this don't i?

author: dream just do it already! you're ruining the script!

dream: script!?

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