chapter 10

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next day...

tommy pov

i woke up to the usual family drama, wilbur doing some fucked up shit, tecno freaking out on dad getting the kitchen gun and me mindlessly going along with it . we had to go to school earlier than usual today bcz of the match , tecno and wilbur were on the team and i was the ..... water boy......

when we got there the first thing i did was to go to the football field where i saw tecno and wilbur were already there and the others.
i looked around trying to find deo but he was nowhere to be seen. it was even harder to find him since i was really short compared to the others but hey, I'm tall in my class! right?

i had given up and to sat on the bleachers when someone hugged me from behind.

"hey sunshine, were you looking for me?"

"there you are bitch! btw when are the buses coming?"

apparently the match against the other school was going to be held at a giant football stadium where both the schools will come and lucky for me i can go to the resting room for our team bcz i am basically on the team!

"they would be arriving in an hour"

"mhm.... you should really practice a bit more"

"yeah, and you should also practice distracting the other team"

he Snickered, bitch

"when i have my pom poms everyone shall be distracted!"

"oh God...."

"there's no going back now babe!"
i said with an innocent smile.

purpled pov

i saw as deo went back to his team to discuss something and tommy heading to the bathroom. i guess he's going to wear his uniform.

tommy pov

i went to the bathroom and took the uniform i was supposed to wear for the game, it was a black and purple hoodie with a black shirt on the inside , black pants but i decided to add something else to really get the ither teams attention, hehe....

                                 a skirt

this will be fun...
but for now I didn't wear the skirt , i will wear it when we are at the stadium, AND THE POM POMS!!! THE BEST PART OF ALL THIS IS THE POM POMS!!! 

i got into my uniform and put the skirt in my bag, the pom poms were made in a way that i could tie them on my wrist and my hands could barely be seen under the pom poms.

when i was done i tossed my backpack on my shoulder and went back to the field .
deo and the others were doing their final checks and i was really bored cuz i had nothing to do...

third person

ok soo football team of "CrystalCloverHigh" are: deo , dream , tecno , wilbur , ranboo, skeppy , punz , George , ponk , karl , sapnap
(yes, i changed the team members)

cheerleaders: drista , lani , Alyssa
water boy: Tommy~

football team of "Gold High":
skeppy , quackity , slime , Hbomb , coarpse , sykkuno , fundy , jack , foolish , conner , eryn

cheerleaders: niki , pokiemane , shubble
water boy: antfrost

deo pov

the buses were here, everyone took their stuff and started to get in , me and tommy went in last, the audience students were going to be coming in different buses bcz the football team was going in a separate bus.

me and tommy sat in the back of the bus , tommy took the window seat before i could,
bummer. i sat down beside him and took out my phone.

while I was chatting with Luke and Bitzel tommy was playing with his hoodie's zip, the rest were also chatting and some others were also on their phones.

it was a 2 hour long ride, and in an hour's time tommy had already fell asleep on my shoulder. when we got there everyone became more hyped up and excited, i woke tommy up and when I told him we were here he got a little to hyped i guess he was the loudest one blabbering.

third person pov

as CrystalCloverHigh's football team got out of the bus and went inside the stadium the audience students of CrystalCloverHigh started cheering really loud while Gold High
stayed quiet.

the team waved at the audience who were cheering for them, suddenly the other school audience also started cheering as the other team came in view, both the teams went to the centre of the ground and scanned each other till the captain spoke.

"good luck losers"
skeppy said in a mocking tone.

"watch it you are the one losing today"
deo said as he and his team smirked and glared at the others.

tommy , who was standing beside deo , looking really short and weak compared to everyone else was looking at at the two teams communicate .

(btw please go check the "characters" chapter, i have made some changes and it will be hard to understand of you don't check it out)

"don't tell me you have such a shortie playing too, you are bound to loose this game deo"
skeppy said looking at tommy who glared at skeppy.

"how dare you! he's our good luck charm bitch, our water boy tommy!"

"how cute, our water boy is way better, antfrost!"
a 6ft brunette boy with peach eyes stepped out, antfrost

"good luck"

with that both the teams went to their locker/resting area.

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