chapter 2

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Tommy, in his room cried. Not caring about the noise, he was upset and he'll cry the way he wants to! Ruined his friendship with Purpled.. ofcource.. it was so obvious purpled did not like him that way.. thats when someone softly knocked on his door..

"toms are you ok?"

It was Wilbur, he seemed worried.. tommy quickly wiped his tears and sat up straight. Of course that did not hide the fact he was crying..

"I- I'm fine.."

Well he tried. Wilbur from the other side of the door sighed.

"i can quite clearly tell you're not. now what is it?"

Wilbur as the great brother he is, forgot the existence of the word "permission" and just entered inside.. he wasn't too bad so he did shut the door behind him, he came and sat next to Tommy on the bed.

"Tommy you can tell me anything, and I'll help you with it.."

i didn't want to face purpled again knowing how horrible everything at school would be and i "also" didn't want to be bullied by dream and his friends to, so i told him what happened, well half of it..

"It's just that- every day I'm bullied by dream and sapnap and it's been really hurting lately because they beat me up and shit-"

"Not another word.. I won't hear it anymore. Tommy you rest I'll talk to Phil about something"

Wilbur gave tommy a reasuring smile and went away, not really closing the door this time.. tommy grumbled as he stood up and had to close the door himself.


After that talk, wilbur was quick to skip his room and immediately go towards his older brother, Techno's room. Techno being busy and wilbur knowing it already, ignored that and still went in.

_tecno pov_

Why? Everyone knows I'm busy yet someone decides to ignore that and come knocking at my door.. it's wilbur, i can quite clearly tell by the unspaced fast continuous knocking..

"Come in already wil"

"hey tech.."

Wilbur opened the door and peaked in a bit before coming in, just kicking the door back enough to make it almost close.. honestly does this bitch not know how to close doors properly?

Well i gestured him over towards my bed where he sat and faced towards me, who sat in the gaming chair infornt of my glorious pc monitor, keyboard and laptop.

"hey will.. you good?"

"yeah just wanted to talk about something.."

"Mk.. spill"

Wilbur looking a bit annoyed and angry finally spoke. Honestly why are our lives so dramatic? Is it because of wilbur? Is it because we all mind monologue too much? Probably.

"have you ever thought about changing schools?"

Finally a good question.

"alot actually, this school really fricken sucks!"

How dare wilbur snicker at my words! Ok anyways back to the point.

" 'snickers' yeah!"

"so i was thinking, would you please come with me talk to dad about changing schools? tommy is also having trouble here."

Fucking finally.

"yeah sure"

Both of us stood up at the same time and without wasting a second we walked out and towards dear dadza's room.

_phils pov_

Peace never lasts.. they were knocking on my door.. should i let them in? Yes.

"come in!"

it was wil and tech like i expected.

phil: you both ok?

tecno: no actually

they both sat on the couch next to the bed i was sitting on,

phil: what happened?

wilbur: we were thinking.. can we change schools?

phil: why?

tecno: well .. me and wil are both finding it really hard to survive "Gold highschool"
and so is Tommy.

phil: well i mean if all three of you are having trouble so sure, but do you know any good school to move to?

wilbur: yes actually!

both the hoys looked at each other and smirked and looked back at me and said in sync,


sorry for the short chapter i got to do my homework too, ugh i hate school

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