chapter 29

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Blood, water, mud and other fluids splattered on the cold concrete floor.. One young blond was looking through the little crack in the wall he was chained too, the place he could get fresh forest air from. The small peek of the outside was beautiful yet unfamiliar..

In just a few minutes he'll be on to a much more unfamiliar place.. further from hope... further from everyone... he fell back to his knees as tears spilt on the, cold and harsh..

"I don't want to go.. "

he repeatedly told himself.. he punched the ground till his fists were bleeding uncontrollably.. he cried and hurt for the minutes he could as the door opened and another golden blonde stepped in..

The dirtied blond's gaze turned to him. A shiver went down his spine as he realized who stood Infront of his very own eyes.. it was Purpled's elder brother.. the one who used to bully Tommy once.. then became a deer on a truce with him..


His voice was completely broken from the crying, the older felt something inside of him wanting to stop what was going on then.. he resided..

"get up, it's time to go.."

the only words that left his mouth the whole day, still they were cold and stern, a warning of thin ice, he looked as he spoke.. a cold emotionless stare piercing through the eyes of the other..

Tommy only frowned at the command and looked away, he should've known Punz was helping that maniac! how could he have missed it!? it was soo obvious! how did he miss...?

Punz, not at all surprised at the motion, looked down at the other and let out a heavy sigh he didn't knew he had been keeping in.. 'i don't want to do this anymore..' he thought to himself.. 'but this is for Purpled.. i need to do this..'  his thoughts buried by the mean to stop, he ignored it..


he started, this time voice much gentler then the last time, it got Tommy's attention to listening as he looked back a bit to the tensed sight of the other..

"i know it hurts to leave everything you love.. but things like this happen where you have to move.. even if it means pushing.."

he tried to help, but it was a thing was never too capable of doing, he knew wnat he said was in a way right.. but incredibly wrong aswell.. tommy only let out a sob as he looked back again..

"things like this don't happen.. you don't know what it's like to know you're going to loose everything you loved and worked hard for.. do you?"

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Punz looked to the side.. he hadn't gone through it indeed.. he hadn't gone through it the way anyone would think he has..


"you're right.. i haven't gone through it your way.. I've gone through it my way.. which was giving up.."


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