chapter 12

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"ow! ow! ow! dad! let go!"
i said as he dragged the three of us in the car.

phil said in a serious tone

"yes?" x3
all three of us said in unison, we looked at each other in a scared expression before looking at dadza

"why didn't you tell me?"

"we uh- um.."

"tommy you are 16, and i specifically said no dating shit till you're 18! you disobeyed me tommy!"


"no buts! you are breaking up with him tomorrow!"
he said in an angry tone as he opened the car and we all went inside the house

tecno pov

that- thats just no fair! tommy deserves happiness! how could he do this to him!?

"is he gonna be alright?"
wilbur whispered worried as we saw tommy angrily take of his shoes.

"i don't think so"
i whispered back flustered

"ok boys dinner is already done so just wash your hands and come to the table"

phil pov

tecno and wilbur went to wask their hands but tommy picked up his bag and headed for the stairs, i blocked his way and looked at him crossing my arms

"where are you going?"
i said in a serious tone

"to my room!"
he said

"no you're not, you are eating dinner with everyone else!"

i expected him to go back but he just pushed me aside making me fall and gave me the middle finger and went to his room.
i sighed and let him go this time, i heard his door slam shut and the lock being pulled.

i sighed and let it go. dinner was really quiet, no one was even making eye contact, tecno and wilbur were on their phones while eating.

tommy pov

"it not fair!"
"why does shit happen only to me!?"

i shouted as i jumped on my bed pulling a pillow and hugging it tight as i looked at the ceiling. i missed dinner , an hour later i heard a knock on my door, i peaked from under the door bcz there was a little opening there and saw two pairs of feet, one was wearing pink socks the other was wearing black to which i guessed who it was, it was wilbur and tecno. i opened the door and let the two in and half closed the door, the first thing that happened was wilbur hugging me, i hugged him back and we fell to the floor, i let the tears i had kept in out. i sobbed into wilburs chest as tecno sat on the floor and hugged from behind me. i was in wilburs lap and resting my head on his chest. i saw some tears in wilburs eyes as he looked at a different direction trying to avoid eye contact and tecno sighed.

"wilby are you okay?"
i asked worried as i hugged him harder still in his lap and his arms around me tightened.

"I'm sorry, its just that- when i was your age- i had to also go through this-"

"wilbur, please that was years ago-"
tecno saud as he hugged us tighter making me squeeze between the two older siblings.

"tecno, its not that easy!"

"I'm sorry wilbur, i just don't like seeing my brothers like this.."

"why don't we go downstairs and make some hot chocolate, that'll calm everyone down"
tecno suggested.
me and wil both agreed and we went downstairs, it was 1 am so dad wasn't awake.

we reached the kitchen, i sat on the kitchen counter in the middle, tecno started making the hot chocolate and wilbur stood leaned against the wall, there was an upsetting silence for a while till tecno broke it

"so what are we gonna do?"

"i say that Tommy doesn't break up with  and we will just lie to dad that tommy and deo broke up!"
wilbur suggested

"i doubt that work.."
tecno replies as he hands us a cup of hot chocolate.

"or, i could act like Infront of dad but really just not break up "

"thats the same as what wil said"
tecno says with a 'seriously face'

"yeah we are going with it"

we talked some more then we all went to tecno's room to watch a movie. tecno had a giant T.V on the wall right Infront of his king sized bed, we're rich.

"what do we want to watch?"
tecno asked

wilbur suggested



welllll, we ended up watching Annabelle.

next morning
philza pov

i woke up at 5 in the morning, the first thing i did was go wake the boys so they would get ready for school. i went to wilbur's room but he wasn't there huh? then i went to Tommy's and he also wasn't there, I started to panick a bit, i quickly went to tecno's room and saw all three of them cuddled up together in tecno's bed...

i whisper cooed, i took some pictures of it since it was a once in a life time thing.

tommy was curled up in a ball into wilbur's chest , wilbur who was beside him had tommy in a tight grip and tecno who was on tommy's other side had an arm on both of tommy and wilbur, the three were sleeping in a way i would say a squashed sandwich!

i didn't want this to end but unfortunately i had to wake them up for school. i sighed and walked towards the bed,

"tecno wake up! its time for school!"
he only grunted and ignoraned me, and when I tried to waie tommy or wilbur they did the same. they wouldn't get up so i let it go, they could takea day off i guess. i walked out the room and shit the lights again and closed the door and left .

(why can't my parents let me take a day off from £!:?#(+ school!?)

tommy pov

i woke up and the first thing i felt was being squeezed from both sides, the lights were off but there was still a little light passing through the closed curtains. i realized it was wilbur who had me in his death grip and tecno who had both of us in his death grip, bruh, i tried to loosen up a bit from wilburs grip but i think wilbur kinda woke up bcz

"go back to sleep tom's"
he said in a sleepy voice as his grip just tightened and I got squeezed harder, i knew there was no way out so i just went back to sleep.

(the closest me and my siblings had gotten was actually talking to each other without putting up an argument for 10 minutes)

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