chapter 21

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_tecno pov_

the school year was ending in a couple of months and then me and wilbur would have to leave for college. we had to work hard to get into the great "Earth Esempi College"

apparently dream and his gang had applied for another college named "Esempi". right now we were all in the library studying.

by all of us i mean me, wilbur, dream, sapnap, george, quackity and punz. i was enjoying the silence but i guess wilbur just had to ruin the amazing moment with groaning...

"I'm never gonna understand this fuckin damn ass bitchless shitass history"
wilbur complained

"you said five swears in a row in a sentence"
dream stated with a bored face as he hit his head at the desk and tossed the history book to the side hitting punz.

"can't we just do biology!? history is sooo damn hard!"
the others started complaining.

"guys its not that hard-"
i started

"easy for you to say egghead"
quackity quickly cit me off


"can't believe these are our last months together till next time which would be litral years.."

wilbur started, none of us were happy about going to college because it meant leaving home and going our separate ways to different countries or cities..

"i don't want to leave you guys..."
sapnap said in a sad tone, i didn't want to leave myself...

_deo pov_

i was in my class, we were having a test, only purpled was in the same class right now. I hadn't studied for it so i was sure to fail it. through out the whole thing something kept bugging me...
i tried to ignore it but it just wouldn't stop, like someone was in danger...

the moment the period ended i rushed out the class and looked for my friends, i found everyone other than bitzel, it was alright cuz he told us he wasn't coming to school today.

i relaxed to see everyone was fine till i remembered a certain someone...


i ran around to find him but he was nowhere , i realised that hus brothers were here, i rushed to ask them where he was.

i ran to him panting, he stood up and walked to me

"calm down, you ok?"
he asked being concerned

"where is tommy?!"

"somewhere in the building, he came to school with us"

"but i searched the building multiple times, he's nowhere, Luke and bitzel said they only saw him in the morning and can't find him since then"

tecno and wilbur looked worried and everyone started looking for him, but no one could find him.

_purple pov_

the news buzzed through the whole school in minutes and almost everyone was trying to look for him, the news spread like the wildest of fires in the deepest and coldest of rainforests..

the news was so concerning that it reached phil bcz the principle had called in to inform of tomny being missing.

it was scary knowing that he was nowhere, we had checked the cameras, the roof, the basement and even outside of the school.

no where... the last anyone saw him was this morning aswell..

the school had ended early bcz of the news, at this point, the police was also searching for Tommy, everyone was worried...

_deo pov_

i was on the verge of breaking and letting the tears building out, i didn't want to ho home!
i decided to go to a place tommy once made me go to, it was the abandoned part of the city where no one dared to go saying it was haunted, tommy made me go there when we were skating, he wasn't really allowed but he went anyways like he would.

it was a beautiful place to be honest, it may be old with buildings that would send unbearable shivers down your spine, it was by the ocean and some part was made over the ocean aswell, he took me to the bridge over the ocean made there, it connected two large parts of the abandoned parts of the city.

it was peaceful to me, but scary when you look into the deep blue ocean below, it scared me to think what was down there, some say a part ofthe town had broke and sinked in the ocean and taking lives of thousands with it.

i went to the bridge and what i saw almost broke me...

there stood tommy...

looking over to the ocean, eyes completely grey.. hair messed up.. he looked to be crying and what scares me the most was the blood dripping from his wrist and the blade on the floor with blood on it. blood staining his clothes...

i spoke from where i was standing, he turned to me looking scared.

"w-what are you doing h-here?"
he asked broken.

"getting away from everyone, what are you doing here?"
i asked.

"i can't do this anymore.. it would happen again and again if i don't give in deo.. they wouldn't stop"
he spoke, who wouldn't stop?! who are they!?

"tommy you're not going to- right?"
he smiled and looked back at the ocean then at me...

"I'm sorry.."
he said in a whisper, my heartbeat stopped as he stepped off the bridge and into the ocean.

i ran to the edge he gad jumped off of and jumped in after him!

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