chapter 4

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tommy pov

i was settling in quite easily in the new school, i made some new friends and Deo was my best, we hung out all the time and i felt weird in a good way when i was around him tbh

     .........somewhere else in the world.........

purpled pov

i really miss Tommy, i wish i could see him again, I didn't even know his address, tubbo and ranboo were trying to cheer me up with their shit talk, i appreciate it but it doesn't work out.

tecno pov

we all were doing pretty good in the new school, we already made tons of friends on our first day, tommy seems to be doing pretty good too, will got into the school band as the lead singer too.

3rd person

the sbi siblings were doing pretty good while in their school things weren't going good purpled was pretty upset, dream started bullying tubbo since Tommy wasn't there anymore, dream and George... uhh.. broke up and etc...

days passed and the three boys were pretty happy, well day turned into weeks , and then months then years

2 years had passed, Tommy and Deo started having feelings for each other but wouldn't admit to it and even flirted sometimes.

wil and techno were also quite happy, wil was really popular and had gotten a lover too! his name was Alex quackity to which Tommy called Big Q, tecno was also really popular and was getting straight A's .

while in their old school purpled had gotten over Tommy and so did tubbo and ranboo, they became quite popular and bullied the newcomers for fun, dream had for some reason gotten back with george aswell.

back to the story now

tommy pov

wilbur: Tommy wake the hell up!

tommy: no....


tecno: WHAT!?

wilbur: help get Tommy up !

tecno: fine!

i was laying in my comforter and i suddenly get yeeted out of my bed and onto someone talls shoulderand taken downstairs and thrown on the couch next to the table.

tommy: what!?

tecno: did you seriously forgot school?

tommy: but thats tomorrow!

phil: sorry to say but today's Monday my damn child.

tommy: what! i didn't maje my bag!

wilbur: good for you! big brother wilby dud it for you!

tecno: am i a joke to you wil ?

phil: wil you didn't touch shit! techno did all the work!

wilbur: uhm... uh .... sooo hOw ArE yOu?

tommy: lets just go...
      timeskip to when they got to school

tommy pov

i went to my locker and saw that deo wasn't there. i was putting my things in the locker and some boys approached me, i haven't seen them before and thought thry might be new ...

purpled pov

me and the boys had changed school and were really bored and i thought .. why not cause some trouble,

we were looking around and saw a blond kid who looked familiar....? i ignored that and went up to him, he looked at me , tubbo and ranboo and said

??? um.. may i help you?

purpled: no but you can be my little chick

??? i-what?

purpled: yes or a no , no maybe...

??? what! no! go away man!

purpled: wrong answer, tubbo..

with that tubbo who was behind the blond kicked him down and held is hands as he crouched , i knelt down to his level and

??? what do you want!?

purpled: you of course!

with that i grabbed his chin and kissed him,
it had been 5 seconds till we were rudly interupted by some one who had two others behind him!

??? Oi! get away from him!

he yelled and pushed me away and the other two kicked tubbo down, the blond quickly got up and hid behind the boy who pushed me, it was a tall brunette boy who was wearing a black shirt, orange jacket sunglasses and balck ripped jeans .

i stood up and and was face to face with the brunette, he was like an inch taller than me.

??? what's wrong with you!?

purpled: me!? i was having a moment withy bf!

??? he doesn't have one .... yet... who even are you?

purpled: purpled , you?

??? Deo..  luke , bitzel take Tommy to the class please, I'll be there in a minute...

the other two boys took the blond away and i was once again face to face with deo ..
he took of his glasses and looked at me with rage , he suddenly punched me hard on the face and left, whats his relationship with Tommy?

Wait! that was ... my Tommy...... oh no

tommy pov

that was , purpled.... ugh why is he here!? i thought to my self .

               timeskip to lunch break

deo pov

i looked around the cafeteria to find Tommy, he wasn't there , so i went to the only other place Tommy would go to , i back garden.

i went there and saw Tommy on the bench under the old tree by the pond in the garden, it had always been Tommy's favourite spot to hangout at... i went and sat down next to him and put an arm behind him, he leaned in closer and i asked

deo: is there something that matters toms?

tommy: purpled...

deo: what about the jerk

tommy: he's the boy i told you about who i once had a crush on ...

deo: thats him?! he looked so sweet from your stories!

tommy: i know, bit what is he doing here? why ?

deo: lets just forget about him rn , i want to say something to you...

tommy: what....?

i sighed and then spoke...

deo: Tommy look at me ..

i took off my glasses and we both stared into each other's eyes i look into his diamond blue eyes and he looks at my orange ones .

deo: tomathy innit Minecraft...

i knelt down infront of him

deo: will you be my boyfriend!

tommy: deo- i- YES!!

i stood up and kissed him and he kissed me back...

3rd person

little did they know, they were being watched...

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